
AI Week 2023 - Guess which song is AI

Primary LanguageSvelte


In the growing age of AI, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to distinguish between reality and computer-generated content, including fake instruments and voices. As a consequence, appreciating artists' talents is becoming harder for common people.

MusicAI is a quiz-based website created for AI Week 2023 that aims to raise awareness about AI generated content. It serves as a beginning towards sensitizing common people about how damaging AI can be and why it needs to be regulated in the future.

Inspired by 'Kahoot!', I used a gamification-based approach. As part of this, each class collectively competed to distinguish between AI-generated and real music. Participants listen to two samples of songs, one which is AI generated and the other being by real artists, and then must correctly the one is AI generation. The site features a leaderboard that allows classes to see how they stand in comparison to other classes on the same question.

Thus, MusicAI can show people what AI is capable of while also being fun and enjoyable for classes to play. The site was created using SvelteKit for the routing and frontend as well as MongoDB as a backend database.


This code is extremely insecure and naive: scores are sent by the frontend and can be easily edited and changed. However, this can be easily fixed with form actions.