WhatTodo (server)

This project is a web application for managing group tasks and communication between group members. Users can create groups, add members, create tasks, assign tasks to members, and communicate progress on tasks through comments.


- User authentication with bcrypt password hashing
- Friend request feature where a friend is only added if the request is accepted
- Group creation and management with authorization
- Task creation and management with authorization
- Comment feature for tasks to indicate progress
- Authorization for task comments

Technologies Used

-JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Getting Started

1. Clone the repo:
    `git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-project.git`
2.  Install dependencies:
    `cd your-project
     npm install`

3.  Set environment variables:

    `cp .env.example .env
    Update the .env file with your environment-specific values.`

4.  Start the server:
    `npm start`

API Documentation

API documentation can be found in the docs folder.


Contributions are welcome! Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.