
A Study Progress Monitor System is a distributed Java application that allows the student to register and login into the system, and check their grades in each enrolled units. Similarly, Administrator can log in into the system and mark grade for particular units in each enrolled unit

Primary LanguageJava

Study Progress Monitor System (SPMS)

Features of System:

All users accessing the SPMS should able to view the following data:

  1. Register by entering a user name and password
  2. Securely login by entering a UserId and Password
  3. List of assessments for a chosen subject
  4. Grades of assessments for a student

Administrator should be able to access the SPMS to:

  1. Set grade for a chosen student and subject
  2. Add a student


Step 1: Open two console (terminal)

Step 2: In first terminal:
type javac -cp . *.java
type java -cp . Server
Step 3: In second terminal
type java -cp . Client