
A/B testing framework using Postgres hstore

MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Table of Contents

  • [What does this Gem do?] (#what-does-this-gem-do)
  • [Who should use this Gem?] (#who-should-use-this-gem)
  • [What is Mixpanel] (#what-is-mixpanel)
  • [What is hstore] (#what-is-hstore)
  • [Install] (#install)
    • [Hstore] (#hstore)
    • [Models] (#models)
  • [Usage] (#usage)
  • [Supported Platforms] (#supported-platforms)
  • [Deprecation Notes] (#deprecation-notes)
  • [Collaborators and Maintainers] (#collaborators-and-maintainers)

What does this Gem do?

  • Allows you to run sticky A/B tests on users
  • Allows you to segment users on any subsequent conversion events that you desire

This gem assumes that you are familiar with Mixpanel and are comfortable with tracking events from your server.

Who should use this Gem?

You should use this gem if you have

If you do not need to track subsequent events and

What is Mixpanel

Mixpanel is a real-time analytics service that helps companies understand how users interact with web applications. http://mixpanel.com


  gem install abcrab

Set up mixpanel


Hstore is a key value store built into Postgresql. If you're on heroku it is activated by default

TODO: Instructions for if it is not activated



Initialize Mixpanel

Supported Ruby Platforms

  • 1.9.2
  • 1.9.3

Collaborators and Maintainers