
linux locale uwuifier

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


linux locale uwuifier

how to use

  • clone or download the code, whatever works
  • open a terminal, cd to wherever you put the files
  • if you want to uwuify specific locale files only:
    • compile lowocale.c with cc lowocale.c -o lowocale
    • run ./lowocale <path to input file> <path to output file>
  • if you want to uwu everything:
    • run sudo bash lowocalize.sh <your locale here>
    • this should probably work, only tested on en_US void linux though

things to note

this only uwuifies system locale files in the GNU MO format. any programs that handle localization differently will not be uwuified. additionally, any special formatting in locale files other than C formatting specifiers may break. use at your own risk

scweenshot uwu

scweenshot uwu