
very slightly higher level wrapper around mindustry logic (mlog)

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


very slightly higher level wrapper around mlog. makes jump statements actually usable and will yell at you incomprehensibly if you make a mistake (partial syntax checking)

how to use

download the code from the latest release or compile it yourself (directions below), then run it in your terminal of choice (it's a command line program)


  • install cargo if you haven't already (guide)
  • run cargo build --release in the source code directory
  • the built executable will be located in target/release/, you can do whatever with it at this point

what it changes

  • as with some flavors of BASIC, you create labels with the syntax labelName: (where label name can be any label name)
  • instead of taking addresses to jump to, the jump instruction now takes labels, and will jump to them accordingly
  • the instruction goto <labelName> is an alias to jump <labelName> always, if you want to type slightly less
  • basic subroutine support, uses variables to store the instruction pointer locations since we don't have a stack. downsides are recursion doesn't work. it's possible to create a stack, but it would be slow so i didn't
  • you can create subroutines with routine <routineName>:, return from a subroutine with return, and end a subroutine with endroutine
  • subroutines are called with gosub <routineName> or you can use gosubc for a conditional gosub, syntax is the same as jump