Did you know you can plant trees by doing nothing but opening a browser.
Microsoft Edge rewards you points everyday if you visit weather, you get 10+50+100+150+200+300+500 = 1310 points per week atleast (even if you dont complete any additional challenge). These points can then be used to plant tree.
Your tree is planted once you reach level 10 and for that you need 10,000 points, with your 1310 points per week this can be achieved in about 50 days.
If you keep going at this rate, you'll be able to plant at least 7 trees a year, that is if you don't complete even a single additional challenge. If you manage to complete them you will attain level 10 in roughly a month. Indicating about 12 trees annualy
All you have to do is download either python or batch script (download batch if you don't have python installed) and follow this guide to run it every 24 hours automaticlly using Task Scheduler. That's it you are all set, you can now lay back and your trees will be planted :)
or you can just double click on either of the script once a day manually.
⛔ obviously be careful when downloading scripts from the internet, for all you know I might be trying to add you to my zombie botnet, therefore always check everything before you download it and don't randomly run files from strangers or untrusted sources on the internet. That being said, I'm totally trustworhty, if you don't believe me you can ask my mom.