Reddit Clone

This is a clone-version of Reddit. By default, this app will build in Production mode.

Build Status license

View the live demo of Reddit-Clone.

Features in this Project

  • contains a list of topics which allows users to upvote or downvote multiple times
  • allow user to submit topics, which topic is simply a string that does not exceed 255 characters.
  • 20 sample topics listed on the page initially, user can add more
  • unit test are included in this project

To build the output

$ npm install

# for development
$ npm run dev

# to output the build
$ npm run build

Launch the App

Go to ./dist folder, just launch the index.html in your browser.

To test the App

$ npm run test

Superpowers (plugins) used in this project

  • Icons: Font-Awesome
  • Build System: Webpack Boilerplate Credits: @emiloberg
  • Transpiler: Babel
  • Additional Javascript Library: Underscore.js
  • Test Runner + Framework: Jest

File Structure for reddit-clone

> [reddit-clone]
    ├── [__test__]            ::> folder contains all test scripts
    ├── [dist]                ::> output folder for this project
    ├── [src]                 ::> source folder, where all the logic reside
    |     |
    |     ├── [components]    ::> logic structure to be injected into the Html backbone
    |     |
    |     ├── [css]           ::> styling sheets for this project
    |     |
    |     ├── [data]          ::> holds the static data (list of entries)
    |     |
    |     ├── [img]           ::> images used in this project
    |     |
    |     ├── [methods]       ::> logics that altered the page and list
    |     |
    |     ├── $global.js      ::> global scope variables used throughout the app
    |     |
    |     └── index.js        ::> the starter of script
    ├── index.html            ::> Project Html Backbone
    ├── package.json          ::> List of NPM Packages required for this project
    └── webpack.config.js     ::> Webpack Configuration File


  • create the mock page for Reddit list
  • include build system: Webpack
  • include a Javascript Library: underscore.js
  • Maintain a list of topics and its upvotes/downvotes in-memory data structure (20 topics in a page)
  • Allow the user to upvote or downvote a topic multiple times and sort the list
  • Allow the user to submit topics, a "topic" is simply a string that does not exceed 255 characters.
  • Writing unit test
  • update readme document
  • modularize css (using SCSS preprocessor)
  • ensure it fits for other devices