Ethereum Wallet

A very primitive implementation of a non-custodial Ethereum wallet. It uses Async Storage to save account data locally.


  • Node 10.15.1
  • NPM 6.4.1
  • Xcode 11.5

Libraries Used for Key Generation

File Structure

A lot of it is boilerplate included in the template that React Native starts you off with. These are the notable files/folders.

index.js Entry file

screens/ Top-level components used for navigation. Each component has it's own folder with a index.js being the stateful container and presentation.js being the dumb component.

utils/, Provides utility functions, mainly for storage

vendor/, Holds the distributable package files that i had to browserify in order to run on react native


This project uses bip39.generateMnemonic() to produce 128-bits of entropy. It is not an ideal approach for a secure and production-ready wallet. To improve our seed entropy, we would need to replace that method with either

  1. using random user input such as mouse movement or key strokes
  2. a system entropy generator like /dev/urandom
  3. or both