
A task-runner with horizontal and vertical execution and advanced argument entries.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



mkSequence (opts)

Returns an instance of Sequence

  • opts
    • autoRetry determines if it should continue execution after all deps are ready, if true, it retries by passing the result to the function labeled as 'asynchronousExecutionCatcher' passed to run(). If it's not labeled or present, it uses defAEC. Default is true.
    • defAEC a function that is used to pass the result of run() when an async task impedes execution from completing. result of

mkTask (fn, opts [,arg1, arg2, ...])

Returns an instance of Task

  • fn the function (task) to execute
  • opts
    • autoRetry determines if it should continue execution after all deps are ready, if true, it retries by passing the result to the function labeled as 'asynchronousExecutionCatcher' passed to execute. If it's not labeled or present, it uses defAEC. Default is true.
    • defAEC a function that is used to pass the result of execute() when an async task impedes execution from completing. result of
  • Anything after will be registered as an arg of a task set.

mkAsyncTask (fn, opts [, arg1, arg2, ...])

Returns an instance of AsyncTask

  • fn the function (task) to execute
  • opts
    • autoRetry determines if it should continue execution after all deps are ready, if true, it retries by passing the result to the function labeled as 'asynchronousExecutionCatcher' passed to execute. If it's not labeled or present, it uses defAEC. Default is true.
    • defAEC a function that is used to pass the result of execute() when an async task impedes execution from completing. result of
  • Anything after will be registered as an arg of a task set.


addTask (fn, opts [, arg1, arg2, ...])

Creates and returns a new instance of Task.

  • fn the function (task) to execute
  • opts
    • autoRetry determines if it should continue execution after all deps are ready, if true, it retries by passing the result to the function labeled as 'asynchronousExecutionCatcher' passed to execute. If it's not labeled or present, it uses defAEC. Default is true.
    • defAEC a function that is used to pass the result of execute() when an async task impedes execution from completing. result of
  • Anything after will be registered as an arg of a task set.

addAsyncTask (fn, opts [, arg1, arg2, ...])

Creates and returns a new instance of AsyncTask

  • fn the function (task) to execute
  • opts
    • autoRetry determines if it should continue execution after all deps are ready, if true, it retries by passing the result to the function labeled as 'asynchronousExecutionCatcher' passed to execute. If it's not labeled or present, it uses defAEC. Default is true.
    • defAEC a function that is used to pass the result of execute() when an async task impedes execution from completing. result of
  • Anything after will be registered as an arg of a task set.

run ([aEC] [, arg1, arg2, ...])

Runs the sequence. Returns the result of the last task in the sequence.

  • aEC must be labeled with the property .asyncExecCatcher; if passed is used instead of defAEC,
  • Anything after will be registered as an arg of set passed to the first task in the lineup


Used to represent any function that is to be executed.

addDep (fn, [,index] [,set])

Adds a dependency to the task being called from. Essentially, a dep is a function whose return value will be used as the arg passed to the task. Returns the id of the task.

  • fn any valid function
  • index, 0-based index of where the arg (dep's result) will be place relative to set
  • set any 1 of the 5 valid sets

removeDep (id)

Removes the dep by id of the task from wich it was called. Returns the fn of the removed dep or signal ID_UNRESOLVED.

  • id, the id of the dep redturned by addDep()

moveDep (id, index [,set])

Moves a dep's placement. Return the new id of the dep or ID_UNRESOLVED

  • id, id number refering to the dep
  • index, the new index
  • set, the set to place index

execute ([aEF] [, arg1, arg2, ...])

Executes the task. Returns the result of the task or EXECUTION_DELAYED.

  • aEF, a function labeled by a prop asyncExecCatcher that is to catch the result of the task if EXECUTION_DELAYED is initially returned.
  • Anything after will be registered as an arg of set passed


Inherits from Task and EventEmitter. Used for tasks that will be called at some point later.


Returns a function to be called by the user when the async task should be executed. The return function acts the same as Task.prototype.execute().


Returns the result of the async task if it was executed or ASYNC_NOT_EXECUTED


Sets are used to give relativity when referring to an index of a dep. They are better understood if you talk about the as, of , e.g. 0 of task 0 of final

There are a total of five sets and they go like this: dep and task makeup internal; internal and passed makeup final.

                            /      \
                        passed    internal
                                  /      \                 
                                task     dep

TODO: provide a friendly graphic

dep is used as a default when using addDep() task is used when passing args at the time of creating the task, such as, mkTask(), mkAsyncTask(), tsk.addTask(), tsk.addAsyncTask() internal is comprises the above passed is used when finally executing the task and passing the args at the last second, execute() final comrpises all of the above


Signals can be accessed by require("taskrunner").signals. Signals are can be thought of placeholders or types that have specific significance. Say, instead of returning null in a function and surmising that an 'id' wasn't found, we use signals to specifically know the reason.

TODO: add a friendly graphic depecting a bad ass sequence flow