This project is a POC (Proof of Concept) for a vehicle tracking system.
The goal is to provide a common platform for real time object position tracking and to experiment some cool technologies i.e :
- Spring-Boot
- Docker
- Kafka
- Postgis
- Protobuf
- Remote track provider
Can be any hub website that provides raw data for vehicles (Flights, Vessels, Car, Human,...)
- Local track provider
A local track provider use a device to receive local tracks.
A device can be :
- Radar
- ADSB receiver
A a sample, this project needs some data provided by ADSB exchange website.
You need to compile ADSBServer library available here
mvn clean install
Build the docker image
mvn clean package docker:build
You need Docker and docker-compose to run the sample.
docker-compose up
The tracking system exposes some REST APIs for basic CRUD operations.
More details here : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html