
An easily implemented spotlight library to walk the user through the features

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



CocoaPods Compatible Platform License Language Last Commit HitCount


SundeedSpotlight is an easily implemented spotlight library to walk the user through the features


  • iOS 9.0+
  • XCode 10.3+
  • Swift 5+


Installation via CocoaPods

SundeedSpotlight is available through CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a dependency manager that automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like MarkdownKit in your projects. You can install CocoaPods with the following command:

gem install cocoapods

To integrate SundeedSpotlight into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SundeedSpotlight"

Afterwards, run the following command:

pod install


  • withAbilityToTapThroughSpotlight(_ passthrough: Bool): To state whether the user interactions with the spotlighted view is enabled.
    • Parameters:
      • passthrough (Bool):
        • True: SpotlightedView (e.g: UIButton) will perform its action when tapped while in the spotlight
        • False: SpotlightedView (e.g: UIButton) will not be notified that it is tapped
  • withInfoCornerRadius(_ cornerRadius: CGFloat): To specify the corner radius of the info view
    • Parameters:
      • cornerRadius: A number to specify the corner radius of the info view
  • withBackgroundColor(_ color: UIColor): To specify the background color of the dimmed view
    • Parameters:
      • color: A color to full view background color (e.g: UIColor.black.withAlphaComponent(0.7))
  • withCustomInfoView(_ view: CustomSpotlightInfoView): To show a custom info view
    • Parameters:
      • view: A view conforming to protocol CustomSpotlightInfoView, implementing function to listen to changes happening. (e.g: didMoveToItem)
  • addView(_ view: UIView, withInfo info: String? = nil, withUserInfo: [String: Any?] = [:], withCustomRadius radius: CGFloat? = nil): Add a spotlighted view (UIView) with parameters sent to customize it
    • Parameters:
      • view: A view that will be in the middle of the spotlight
      • info: Value of the string shown in the DefaultInfoView
      • userInfo: Dictionary containing any object that will be passed the the CustomSpotlightInfoView to maximize the customization
      • radius: If specified, the spotlight will be a full circle with the chosen radius, otherwise, the spotlight will be an ellipse circuling exactly the spotlightedView
  • addTabBarItem(at index: Int, in tabBar: UITabBar?, withInfo info: String? = nil, withUserInfo: [String: Any?] = [:], withCustomRadius radius: CGFloat? = nil): Add a tabBarItem by passing the tabBar with a specific index
    • Parameters:
      • index: An integer indicating the index of the chosen tabBarItem to highlight
      • tabBar: The tabBar containing the tabBarItem to highlight
      • info: Value of the string shown in the DefaultInfoView
      • userInfo: Dictionary containing any object that will be passed the the CustomSpotlightInfoView to maximize the customization
      • radius: If specified, the spotlight will be a full circle with the chosen radius, otherwise, the spotlight will be an ellipse circuling exactly the spotlightedView
  • wait(for string: String): To indicate to the library that it should wait for a certain event to happen (e.g: an API call) before continuing the journey
    • Parameters:
      • string: An identifier to wait for, to be sent with the 'continue' function
  • func continue(for string: String): To indicate to the library that the event that it was waiting for was done (e.g: an AI call)
    • Parameters:
      • string: The identifier used to wait, so the library knows that it can continue the journey
  • waitForInsertion(): To indicate to the library that other spotlighted views will be inserted and that it should wait for them (e.g: when navigating back and forth between ViewControllers holding spotlighted views in a journey)
  • insertView(_ view: UIView, withInfo info: String? = nil, withUserInfo: [String: Any?] = [:], withCustomRadius radius: CGFloat? = nil): Insert a spotlighted view (UIView) in an already running Spotlight journey with parameters sent to customize it
    • Parameters:
      • view: A view that will be in the middle of the spotlight
      • info: Value of the string shown in the DefaultInfoView
      • userInfo: Dictionary containing any object that will be passed the the CustomSpotlightInfoView to maximize the customization
      • radius: If specified, the spotlight will be a full circle with the chosen radius, otherwise, the spotlight will be an ellipse circuling exactly the spotlightedView
  • insertTabBarItem(at index: Int, in tabBar: UITabBar?, withInfo info: String? = nil, withUserInfo: [String: Any?] = [:], withCustomRadius radius: CGFloat? = nil): Insert a tabBarItem, in an already running Spotlight journey, by passing the tabBar with a specific index
    • Parameters:
      • index: An integer indicating the index of the chosen tabBarItem to highlight
      • tabBar: The tabBar containing the tabBarItem to highlight
      • info: Value of the string shown in the DefaultInfoView
      • userInfo: Dictionary containing any object that will be passed the the CustomSpotlightInfoView to maximize the customization
      • radius: If specified, the spotlight will be a full circle with the chosen radius, otherwise, the spotlight will be an ellipse circuling exactly the spotlightedView
  • show(): Add the previously added views and tabBarItems into the Spotlight journey, either added at the beginning or inserted in between (with insert functions)

Supported Items

  • UIView
  • TabBarItem


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var label1: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var button: UIButton!
    static let sundeedWalkthrough = SundeedWalkthrough()
    override func viewDidLoad() {
            .addView(label, withInfo: "1",
                            withCustomRadius: 80)
            .addTabBarItem(at: 1,
                           in: self.tabBarController?.tabBar,
                           withInfo: "2",
                           withCustomRadius: 40) // This will make the user tap on the second item in the tabBar, thus you will move to the secondViewController
            .waitForInsertion() // This will tell the library that second ViewController will insert some of its spotlightedViews here
            .addView(button, withInfo: "7")
            .wait(for: "label1")
            .addView(label1, withInfo: "8")
    @IBAction func didPress(_ sender: Any) {
        print("button pressed")  // This will be printed because abilityToTapThroughSpotlight was set to true
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()+2) {
            self.label1.isHidden = false
            ViewController.sundeedWalkthrough.continue(for: "label1") // This shal tell the library to continue the flow after waiting 2 seconds

class SecondViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var label1: UILabel!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
            .insertView(self.label1, withInfo: "3")
            .insertTabBarItem(at: 0,
                              in: self.tabBarController?.tabBar,
                              withInfo: "6",
                              withCustomRadius: 40) // This will make the user tap on the tabBarItem at 0 and go back to the first ViewController
        .show() // This will tell the library to add label1 and tabBarItem at 0 to the flow in the current flow


An example for a custom info view instead of the default one

class WalkthroughCustomView: UIView, CustomWalkthroughInfoView {
    @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var subtitleLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var descriptionLabel: UILabel!
    //manager variable is optional, you only need to add it if you wish to have a "Next" or "Skip" buttons and to control the flow manually.
    var manager: SpotlightInfoViewManager? = InfoViewManager()
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)
    required public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: coder)
    private func commonInit() {
        self.backgroundColor = .clear // set to Clear to remove the borders and the small arrow pointing to the spotlighted view
    func walkthroughIsWaitingForInsertion() {
        self.titleLabel.text = "Waiting..."
        self.subtitleLabel.text = ""
        self.descriptionLabel.text = ""
    func walkthroughDoneWaitingForInsertion() {
    func walkthroughDidMoveToItem(at index: Int,
                                  withInfo info: String?,
                                  withUserInfo userInfo: [String : Any?]) {
        self.descriptionLabel.text = info
        if let title = userInfo["title"] as? String,
            let subtitle = userInfo["subtitle"] as? String {
                self.titleLabel.text = title
                self.subtitleLabel.text = subtitle
    func walkthroughIsWaiting(for identifier: String) {
        print("waiting for API")
    func walkthroughDidContinue(for identifier: String) {
        print("api responded and the flow continued")
    @IBAction func skipButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
    @IBAction func nextButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
