
Disable keys provided via command line

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Disable Keys

This program disables specific keys on the Windows operating system. It is useful for gaming or other scenarios where accidental key presses are disruptive.

Download Here

You can download the latest release from the Releases page.

These binaries are provided directly from github by compiling the code from this repo directly.


By example:

  • disable-keys.exe WIN_L WIN_R: Disables the left and right Windows keys.
  • disable-keys.exe SLEEP f1: Disables the sleep and f1 key

Run disable-keys.exe --list-keys to get a list of key names

To run yourself

  1. Install rust
  2. Navigate to this cloned repo in the terminal
  3. cargo build --release
  4. Look in target folder for output. Ie target/release/disable-keys.exe