
war3remap - Remap the left Windows key to the Command key. I wrote this for playing Warcraft 3 on Windows.

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Remap the Left Windows key to Control, for Windows users.

I wrote this for playing Warcraft 3 on Windows. This is a built in option on OSX, but not on Windows, so here is the tool to do it. It strictly rebinds the key so this can be also used for non-war3 use cases.

My default position on internet binaries is non-trust. However, I set this up to be something I might even download and run. So short of reviewing and compiling the code yourself, you can see github machines are doing the work of building the binaries out of the source. That might work for you.


PS Setting your keys to grid in game, also maps the the hero inventory items map to T, Y, G, H, B, N. Had no idea.

To run yourself

  1. Install rust
  2. Navigate to this cloned repo in the terminal
  3. cargo run --release