
For Microsoft Powertoys Run, Open Jira tickets based on ticket number.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


For Microsoft Powertoys Run, Open Jira tickets based on ticket number.


Opening a ticket with the default ticket prefix

If query is number will use default ticket prefix.

jira 123

example screenshot search for numbers

Opening a specific ticket

If query contains a prefix before number, it will use that ticket prefix.

jira TICKET-123


If query is other than numbers or ticket format, search will be suggested.

jira my search query

example screenshot search for numbers


Installation can be performed in different, manual, ways:

Default Power Toys installation dir is %PROGRAMFILES%\PowerToys.

Easy (for most users): Copy files to plugin folder

  1. Build the solution in Visual Studio.
  2. Copy the folder <repo clone location>\mptr-jira\bin\Release\net6.0-windows to your Power Toys Run plugins folder ([...]\PowerToys\modules\launcher\Plugins).
  3. Rename the net6.0-windows folder to something suitable like mptr-jira.
  4. Restart Power Toys.
  5. ???
  6. Profit!

Harder (for developers that intend to change code): Create symlink in your Power Toys Run plugin folder.

  1. Launch cmd as an administrator, and navigate to [...]\PowerToys\modules\launcher\Plugins.
  2. Create symlink with: mklink /D mptr-jira DESTINATION, where DESTINATION is the binary output folder where your Visual Studio compiles this code (example: C:\git\mptr-jira\mptr-jira\bin\Release\net6.0-windows)
  3. Build project (the Visual Studio project is configured to kill PowerToys.exe before build, and re-launch after).
  4. ???
  5. Profit!

Settings File

UrlPrefix is the URL to your JIRA server. It must end with a slash character (/).

DefaultTicketPrefix is the default prexis that will be added no number queries.

  "UrlPrefix": "https://my-jira-server.internal/",
  "DefaultTicketPrefix": "TICKETNAME"

Usage of Atlassian Jira name and icon.

This project is in no way associated with Jira, Jira Software or Atlassian. If you make changes to this project, make sure you follow Atlassian terms and guidelines how to user their logo and name. Usage of Jira name and logo/icon in this Power Toys Run plugin (mptr-jira) follows guidelines described in: