Jenkins Resource

Triggers and monitors jenkins builds. This isn't a super in-depth implementation, so beware :)


Add a new resource type to your Concourse CI pipeline:

- name: jenkins
 type: docker-image
   repository: novas0x2a/concourse-jenkins-resource
   tag: latest # For reproducible builds use a specific tag and don't rely on "latest".

Source Configuration

  • host: Required. Hostname for jenkins
  • user: Required. Username for jenkins
  • pass: Required. Password for jenkins
  • job: Required. The path within jenkins for the specific job you want to monitor/trigger; the easiest way to get this path is to browse to the job in question in jenkins, and copy the url. (Not everything is a job; you'll know you're in the right place if you see a "Build Now" or "Build with Parameters" link. A correct path will look like /job/subdir/job/otherdir/job/my-cool-job)


check: check for new builds.

The ids of the resource versions will match the jenkins ids for the builds.

out: Trigger a build

This will start a jenkins job, and will wait until jenkins assigns it a job id. (It will not wait for the job to complete; you can use get_params and requireResult on the get side for that.


  • buildParams: If you set this to a string, the build trigger will use buildWithParameters instead of build and will send buildParams as the postdata. Example: buildType=full&bestAnimal=cat

in: Fetch result of a jenkins job

This will get the status information of a specific build of the job.

The following files will be placed in the destination:

  • /raw: The exact json api data jenkins returned.
  • /result: The result string, as jenkins reported it
  • /url: The full url to the build.
  • /start_time_ms: The start time of the build, in unix time, in ms
  • /start_time_s: The start time of the build, in unix time, in s


  • requireResult: If you set this to a string, the get will block until the job has completed, and the success of the get will depend on the job's result (case-sensitive); requireResult: SUCCESS will indicate that you want the concourse get to succeed iff the job is completed and the jenkins build result is SUCCESS. (The default list of results is [SUCCESS, UNSTABLE, FAILURE, NOT_BUILT, ABORTED], but plugins can add more).

Full example

- name: jenkins
 type: docker-image
   repository: novas0x2a/concourse-jenkins-resource
   tag: latest # For reproducible builds use a specific tag and don't rely on "latest".

- name: my-cool-job
 type: jenkins
   job: /job/my-group/job/my-cool-job
   user: ((jenkins.user))
   pass: ((jenkins.pass))


- name: build-nonblocking
 - put: my-cool-job

- name: build-blocking
 - put: my-cool-job
       requireResult: SUCCESS

- name: build-with-params
 - put: my-cool-job
       buildParams: buildType=full&bestAnimal=cat