
Mark quickfix & location list items with signs

Primary LanguageVimL

Mark intersting lines with signs:

    - items in the quickfix and location lists (e.g. compilation errors)
    - marks a-zA-Z
    - relative line numbers
    - changes (with respect to the version in the VCS)

Other lists can be configured via the |g:quickfixsigns_lists| variable.

The attached text ist displayed in a balloon -- it is possible though 
that other plugins that set 'balloonexpr' disable this feature.

If you want nicer looking images instead of the ASCII markers, you have 
to change the following signs' definition in your |vimrc| file:

    QFS_QFL ... Entries in the |quickfix| list
    QFS_LOC ... Entries in the |location-list|
    QFS_Mark_[a-zA-Z] ... Marks

quickfixsigns includes some icons from the open icon library. See 
http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net for details.


Status:  Works for me (there may be some minor quirks)
  tlib :: http://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim
      > git clone git://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim.git
Install: See http://github.com/tomtom/vimtlib/blob/master/INSTALL.TXT
See http://github.com/tomtom for related plugins.