Minimal working V4L2-based Android Camera HAL driver. HAL version: 3.0 Module version: 2.3 Camera API version: 2 LIMITATIONS ----------- * Supports only one camera * Tested only on Tegra K1, using one specific camera and a webcam. * No parameter control, most of the reported specs are hardcoded. * Resolution detection is limited up to 1920x1080. See availableResolutions() in V4l2Device.cpp. WORKAROUNDS/BUILD TIME CONFIGURATION ------------------------------------ In there are some flags which control how the driver works. Some of them might not always work. LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DV4L2DEVICE_FPS_LIMIT=<NNN> <NNN> is positive integer. Limits framerate at the driver level. Helps when the kernel's V4L2 driver allows to read the buffers faster than it fills them with a new frames. Comment out to disable the limit. LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DV4L2DEVICE_BUF_COUNT=<NNN> <NNN> is a positive integer (4 by default) - V4L2 buffers count. LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DV4L2DEVICE_PIXEL_FORMAT=V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY #LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DV4L2DEVICE_PIXEL_FORMAT=V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV V4L2 source color format. LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DV4L2DEVICE_OPEN_ONCE Opens and initializes /dev/video0 during boot time. Comment out to open/close the device when a camera app is opened/closed. LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DV4L2DEVICE_USE_POLL Use poll() before dequeueing a buffer. BOOT TIME CONFIGURATION ----------------------- The "" system property allows to force one single resolution (must be supported by V4L2). The value is in the "WIDTHxHEIGHT" format. HOW TO BUILD ------------ In your target's makefile (e.g. device/mycompany/mydevice/ add: PRODUCT_PACKAGES += camera.$(TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += media_profiles.xml and just build Android.