InvitesCounter Bot⚙

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☄ » Deploys

Deploy with REPLIT

🛠 » Features

📁 » Setting up

  1. Install Nodejs
  2. Open up config.json with notepad or some other editor

⚙ » Config

If you want to change the config, open up config.json and locate it at the top. There you can configure the following:

    "mongoUrl": "MongoUrl",
    "clientToken": "Put-Token-Here",
    "clientPrefix": "Prefix"

Here are the invite variables available for welcome and goodbye messages :

+ {userId} <-- Displays new/old user ID
+ {userTag} <-- Displays the new/old user tag
+ {userUsername} <-- Displays the nickname of the new/old user
+ {user} <-- Mentions new/old user
+ {inviterId} <-- Displays the Invite ID
+ {inviterTag} <-- Displays the invite tag
+ {inviterUsername} <-- Displays the guest nickname
+ {inviter} <-- Mentions the guest
+ {inviterInvitations} <-- Displays the number of invitations from the invite
+ {guildName} <-- Displays the name of the server on which the user is invited
+ {guildId} <-- Displays the server ID on which the user is prompted
+ {guildCount} <-- Displays the number of server members the user is invited to

The bot is available in English and French.

Don’t forget Star this project if you like it!