In the php-basic folder
docker run -d -p 3000:80 --name php-basic-container -v "$PWD":/var/www/html php:7.0-apache
- Make an array without keys
- Make an array with keys
- Symbolise 15 recipes in an array ( one recipe has title, content, ingredients, specifications ( duration, Qty person, price)
- print one duration of the second recipe
- print all title
- print price of all recipes
- sum price of all recipes
- sum price of recipes that long less than 30min
- make a function to sum all prices
- make a function can sort the recipe array by price
- get the less expensive recipe
- get the recipe with the maximum of ingredients
Look in the directory php-basic
You have index.php
, view.php
, add.php
, edit.php
, about.php
If you look in the includes folder, you'll see
- Make the project more fancy by adding css style.
- Make a menu to easily navigate between the different page (index, about)
- Display a nice table of recipes on index page: display only title of recipe, the first 30 char of content, the duration, the price, qty_people
- Make a function to display more easily the price
- Display recipe in view page (localhost:3000/view.php?r=1 where 1 is the index key in the recipes array) + display title, content, duration, price, qty_people, ingredients
- Make a function to display more easily an ingredient with the symbol and the qty
- Display a form in add page
- Make stuff to submit the form
- Hi me and I'll inspect your code :)