
Kowel/Kovel: (1918-1945)

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Kowel "Old Town" circa 1915 Kowel as it appeared during WW2

In-progress Map of Kowel

1938 Sejm Voting Districts

Kowel: A Glimpse into the Past

Polish Wikipedia: Kowel / English Wikipedia: Kovel (1918-1945)

This passion project, developed by @skilenstein, aims to recreate the historic town of Kowel as it existed prior to WW2. If you encounter any errors or have suggestions, please feel free to raise an issue or submit a pull request.

Google Earth Map of Kowel (1919-1939) - Street Names and More

Download Kowel 2RP Google Earth File

This work-in-progress Google Earth file includes:

  • Pre-WW2 street names
  • Over 130 pre-war buildings (identified through manual exterior review and old photos where available)

Street Names and Businesses

Kowel Street Names (1929)

List of 1929 Kowel Street Names

Cross-Referenced Street Names (1929)

Cross-Referenced Street Names

Doctors Resident in Kowel (1920)

List of Doctors | Source

Most Common Streets for Business Addresses in Kowel (circa 1929)

Top Business Streets

Kowel Phone Book (1938)

Kowel Residents

Polish Business Directory (1929)

Kowel 1929 Business Directory (360+ listings)

Voting Districts and Industries

Kowel Voting Districts (1938)

Published: 28th September 1938

Business Types in Kowel (1929)

List of Business Types (requires manual verification and correction)

Tools and Resources

Related Images and Projects


  • Black and white old image dataset to train a Deep Learning model for the development of a similar building search engine

Projects Inspired by Kowel

HistoricEarth: Map to Old (Fake) Aerial Photo

As an offshoot of the Kowel project, we've set a deadline of June 21st to successfully train a Generative Model (GANs) that can take an old map of Poland from the 1900-1944 period and render a photo-realistic aerial image (simulated).

HistoricEarth: Map to Aerial Generator

10 resources to master cartography for historical reconstruction

Here are ten resources to master cartography for historical reconstruction:

  1. "Cartographic Reconstruction of Historical Environmental Change" - ResearchGate article on using historical maps for environmental history research[1].
  2. "Cartographic Reconstruction of Building Footprints from Historical Maps" - Study on Swiss Siegfried maps[2].
  3. "Rehabilitating Historical Map" - Blog post discussing the analytical mapping of historical maps[3].
  4. "History of Cartography" - Wikipedia entry with extensive links and references[4].
  5. "The Cartography Tools of Our Past" - Blog post detailing historical cartography tools like the compass, telescope, and sextant[5].
  6. "Mapping the Nation: History and Cartography in Nineteenth-Century America" - Book by Susan Schulten[3].
  7. "Maps: A Historical Survey of Their Study and Collecting" - Edited by David Woodward[3].
  8. "The History of Cartography Project" - Comprehensive research project at the University of Wisconsin[4].
  9. "Euratlas Historical Maps" - Collection of historical maps from year zero AD[4].
  10. "David Rumsey Historical Map Collection" - Digital map collection licensed under Creative Commons[4].

Citations: [1] Cartographic Reconstruction of Historical Environmental Change https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277355317_Cartographic_Reconstruction_of_Historical_Environmental_Change [2] Cartographic reconstruction of building footprints from historical ... https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/tgis.12610 [3] Rehabilitating “Historical Map” - Mapping as Process https://www.mappingasprocess.net/blog/2020/8/13/rehabilitating-historical-map [4] History of cartography - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cartography [5] The Cartography Tools Of Our Past - Land id https://id.land/blog/the-cartography-tools-of-our-past

Global building footprint map
