LIRI Node Application (Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface)

In week 10, we built a node application to accept command line arguments and connect to multiple APIs to grab data in JSON format.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


To run this application you will need Node.JS and NPM installed on your system.


First, clone the project:

git clone

Inside of the folder in which you've cloned the files to, run the following command:

npm install

Running the application

node liri.js

What Each Command Should Do

node liri.js my-tweets
  • This will show your last 20 tweets and when they were created at in your terminal/bash window.
node liri.js spotify-this-song '<song name here>'
  • This will show the following information about the song in your terminal/bash window
* Artist(s)
* The song's name
* A preview link of the song from Spotify
* The album that the song is from
node liri.js movie-this '<movie name here>'
  • This will output the following information to your terminal/bash window:
   * Title of the movie.
   * Year the movie came out.
   * IMDB Rating of the movie.
   * Country where the movie was produced.
   * Language of the movie.
   * Plot of the movie.
   * Actors in the movie.
   * Website URL.
node liri.js do-what-it-says
  • Using the fs Node package, LIRI will take the text inside of random.txt and then use it to call one of LIRI's commands.

All commands are logged to log.txt file.

Built With

  • Node.JS - The backend this application is built on
  • Twitter - Cannot have tweets without twitter 😄
  • Spotify - Used to get song information
  • OMDb API - Used to get movie information



This project is licensed under the MIT License