
The Car Park is a web-based application that allows managers to efficiently manage various aspects of a car park, including enterprises, vehicles, tracks, trips, and generating reports.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Car Park (accounting and car tracking)

The Car Park is a web-based application that allows managers to efficiently manage various aspects of a car park, including enterprises, vehicles, tracks, trips, and generating reports.


Vehicle's Trips Daily View


Vehicle Trip View


Configuring Trip Report


Enterprise Management

  • View a list of all enterprises registered in the car park.
  • Add, update, or delete enterprises with relevant information.

Vehicle Management

  • Display a list of vehicles associated with the registered enterprises.
  • Add, update, or delete vehicle details including model, price, year, mileage, color, and VIN.

Track and Trip Management

  • Track and log trips made by vehicles, recording important information such as start and end times, distance traveled, maximum velocity, and maximum acceleration.
  • View detailed information about each trip and track.

Reports Generation

  • Generate reports summarizing the trips made by vehicles over specified periods.
  • Generate reports on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis, detailing mileage and other relevant trip data.

User Roles

  • Manager: This is the main role, allowing access to all features of the application, including enterprise and vehicle management, track and trip management, and generating reports.

Car Park Telegram Bot

  • Bot is available here


Getting Started


  • Go (Golang) installed
  • PostgreSQL database set up
  • Dependencies: Gin, PostgreSQL driver


  1. Clone the repository (SSH):
cd car-park
  1. Configure your PostgreSQL database connection in docker-compose.yml (change ENV)

  2. Build and run Docker:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up
  1. Access the app in your web browser at http://localhost:8080/login.


  1. Log in as a manager.
  2. Use the navigation menu to access different sections of the app: enterprises, vehicles, tracks, and reports.
  3. Add, update, or delete enterprises and their associated vehicles.
  4. Track trips and analyze track data.
  5. Generate reports to monitor vehicle usage over different time periods.


Contributions to the Car Park are welcome! Feel free to open issues and submit pull requests for improvements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.