
Reference list of useful links to learn about programming, networking, hacking, cybersecurity, ctf, bounty bug write-up, and more

Awesome Reference Awesome

Daftar referensi tautan-tautan berguna untuk mempelajari tentang Jaringan, Pemrograman, Keamanan Siber (Peretasan, Bug Bounty Write-up, CTFs), dan lainnya.

Reference list of useful links to learn about Networking, Programming, Cybersecurity (Hacking, Bug Bounty Write-ups, CTFs), and more.



Youtube Channel


  • Onno Center - Salah satu Youtube channel terbaik yang memberikan pembelajaran tentang Teknik Jaringan Komputer (IoT, OpenWRT, OpenBTS, VoIP).






Software Engineering Concept


  • Martin Fowler's Blog - Blog that Covers basic & advance software engineering concept & best practices
  • Refactoring Guru - Software Design Pattern Tutorial
  • Source Making - Software Design Pattern Tutorial
  • Drew Olson's Blog - Blog that covers advance software engineering concept with variant topics and sometimes includes a concrete example

Natural Language Processing


Go Programming Language




  • Faun's Blog - Medium's blog that focused on backend & devops topic



  • Devhints - Variant programming cheatsheet

Competitive Programming


Youtube Channel


  • Sekolah Koding - Youtube channel yang membahas mengenai pembelajaran pengembangan situs web dan aplikasi android.
  • Indonesia Belajar - Youtube channel belajar Ilmu Komputer Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Web Programming UNPAS - Youtube channel khusus yang membahas mengenai Teknologi Internet dan Pengembangan Web. Dikelola secara khusus oleh Sandhika Galih sebagai staf pengajar di Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pasundan Bandung.


  • Dev Ed - Learn about Web Programming Especially on Web Design.
  • Brackeys - Game Dev Tutorial Brackeys, Learn how to make video games!
  • Marcus Ng - Youtube channel that provides learning about the UI / UX Mobile Applications Design (by speed-code) using Flutter.
  • OU Graphics - OU Graphics is an international platform dedicated to teach and explore the world of architecture representation.
  • Code Monkey - Learn everything about Game Development in Unity 2D using C#.
  • Celeb Curry - Youtube channel that provides a great quality of Programming. You will find C++, Javascript, C, Database Design, SQL and many more!
  • React UI Kit - Youtube channel that provides learning about the UI / UX Mobile Applications Design (by speed-code) using React Native.
  • Tech With Tim - Python Programming & Tech Tutorials.
  • The Net Ninja - One of the best YouTube channels that provides learning about Website Development, Mobile Applications, Databases with a step-by-step video playlist.
  • Afgprogrammer - YouTube channel that provides learning about UI / UX Website Design, UI / UX Mobile Application Design with a step-by-step video playlist.
  • Traversy Media - One of the best YouTube channels that provides learning about Website Development, Mobile Applications, Databases with a step-by-step video playlist.
  • 1BestCsharp blog - Tutorials, Projects Source Code C#, VB.NET, JAVA, PHP.

Other Sources

  • Awesome React - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
  • Awesome Flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.



News & Magazine




Youtube Channel


  • Semi Yulianto - Youtube channel yang membahas mengenai pembelajaran hacking, forensic, tips & trik keamanan komputer.
  • Jogjakarta Hacker Link - Youtube channel yang membahas mengenai pembelajaran seputar dunia IT, penetrasi, dan semua dengan etika yang berlaku.
  • LINUXcare - Youtube channel yang membahas mengenai Hacking dan Linux.


  • Black Hat - Black Hat is the most technical and relevant information security event series in the world.
  • thewhiteh4t - Network and Physical Penetration Testing.
  • Ghidra Ninja
  • Computerphile - Videos all about computers and computer stuff.
  • Loi Liang Yang - Videos all ethical hacking and penetration testing.
  • DEFCONConference - DEFCON is one of the world's largest and most notable hacker conventions.
  • HackerSploit - Videos on penetration testing, malware analysis, ethical hacking etc.


  • NahamSec - Head of Hacker Education at HackerOne and Co-Founder of bugbountyforum

Bug Bounty




Youtube Channel



  • STÖK - STÖK creates educational cybersecurity-related video content for the bug bounty community. Inspiring hackers to level up their BUG BOUNTY game to become a better pentesters, bug hunters and redteamers.
  • Nahamsec - Nahamsec creates educational hacking videos for anyone with an interest in web application hacking with a focus on bug bounties.
  • InsiderPhD

Other Sources

  • Awesome Bug Bounty - A comprehensive curated list of available Bug Bounty & Disclosure Programs and Write-ups.





Youtube Channel


  • Tripoloski_
  • Cyber Security IPB - Salah satu Youtube channel terbaik yang memberikan pembelajaran tentang Keamanan Komputer dan Capture-the-Flag (Web Security, Binary Exploit, Reverse Engineering) dari civitas IPB Bogor.


  • IppSec
  • GynvaelEN - Podcasts about CTFs, computer security, programing and similar things.
  • John Hammond
  • LiveOverflow - One of the best YouTube channels that provides learning about Computer Security and Capture-the-Flag (Web Security, Browser Exploitation, Binary Exploitation, Mobile Security).
  • Martin Carlisle - Computer science education videos for Java programming and the picoCTF computer security competition.
  • PwnFunction

Other Sources

Tech Talk

Youtube Channel



  • Network Chuck - Youtube channel that talking about Information Technology. In here you can find Linux, Raspberry PI and almost everything that contains about Tech!


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