
AIOHTTP utils that help us to track request journey between services.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Belvaio Request Id

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Belvaio Request Id is an aiohttp set of utils that help us to track request journey between services.

  1. request_id_middleware: aiohttp middleware that generate random request_id or read it from X-Request-Id header for each http request.

  2. RequestIdFilter: logging filter that allow attach request_id to every logging record.

  3. RequestIdAccessLogger: add request_id to aiohttp access log. This log message is logged outside the scope where we set the context var that store the request_id, so we need to define our own AccessLogger that fixes this.

  4. If Sentry is used a request_id tag is added when the http request is processed.

Motivation: Skyscanner / aiotask-context



pip install belvaio-request-id


POC to demonstrate the usage of the belvaio-request-id package for writing the request_id from aiohttp into every log call. If you run this script, you can try to query with curl or the browser:

    $ curl
    Hello, Mateu. Your request id is 93234aa6d4524f4bb76622e5d0c85589.

    $ curl -H "X-Request-ID: e72ec21b412845cf86a8aee50331cc4f"
    Hello, Mateu. Your request id is e72ec21b412845cf86a8aee50331cc4f.

In the terminal you should see something similar to:

    ======== Running on ========
    (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    2020-03-20 11:43:20,248 INFO __main__ 93234aa6d4524f4bb76622e5d0c85589 | Received new GET /Mateu call
    2020-03-20 11:43:20,249 INFO aiohttp.access 93234aa6d4524f4bb76622e5d0c85589 | "GET /Mateu HTTP/1.1" 200 266 "curl/7.64.1"

import logging.config

from aiohttp import web
from belvaio_request_id.logger import RequestIdAccessLogger
from belvaio_request_id.middleware import request_id_middleware
from belvaio_request_id.utils import get_request_id

    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "handlers": {
        "console": {
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
            "level": "INFO",
            "formatter": "default",
            "filters": ["requestid"],
    "filters": {"requestid": {"()": "belvaio_request_id.logger.RequestIdFilter",},},
    "formatters": {
        "default": {
            "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(request_id)s | %(message)s",
    "loggers": {"": {"level": "DEBUG", "handlers": ["console"], "propagate": True},},

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

async def handle(request):
    name = request.match_info.get("name")
    logger.info("Received new GET /%s call", name)
    text = f"Hello, {name}. Your request id is {get_request_id()}.\n"
    return web.Response(text=text)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = web.Application(middlewares=[request_id_middleware])
    app.router.add_route("GET", "/{name}", handle)
        access_log_format='%a "%r" %s %b "%{User-Agent}i"',


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