XPLAN Implementation Toolkit
XIT is a tool that helps you upload Users and Access Levels to an XPLAN site in bulk, from a spreadsheet.
Getting all the data right in a spreadsheet is a lot quicker than clicking around in XPLAN, and a lot less error prone.
XIT was proudly built as a project of the IRESS Hackathon 2016.
Install redis. On windows, you can install it from https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases. On Debian-based Linux distros (e.g. Ubuntu), install with sudo apt-get install redis-server
Then to install the python deps, in a virtualenv do
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
You need to have redis, celery, and the webserver all running for stuff to work.
Start redis. On windows you can run C:\Program Files\Redis\redis-server.exe
- I found it
didn't work properly unless I ran it as administrator, ymmv. On Ubuntu (and probably most other modern Linux distros), a quick sudo service redis-server start
should do the trick.
Start the webserver
python manage.py server
Start the celery
celery -A xit.tasks worker --loglevel=info --config=celeryconfig_dev
The tests use environment variables, you need to run something like this (where username
and password
are XPLAN login credentials):
python manage.py test --web_url="http://localhost:5000" --username="a" --password="a" --xplan_url="http://localhost:8080/trunk_test/"
CSV Upload URLs
These are all multipart POST handlers taking the following multipart/form-data parts:
: the BASEURL of your XPLAN site
the XPLAN username to use to perform the upload. Must have the right capabilities i.e. create_user
for user upload, edit_level
for access level upload.
your XPLAN password (maybe one day we can support OAuth2 so nobody has to do this)
the CSV file being uploaded
When successful, each of the handlers returns 200 and a task UUID in the body which can be passed to /task/<task_id>
to get the result.
###POST /upload_csv/access_levels
Upload a CSV of access levels in the format returned by GET /access_levels
, see access_levels.csv
###POST /upload_csv/users
Upload a CSV of users in the format shown in users.csv
###GET /access_levels
Dumps a csv of the site's access levels that can be used as a template. This also requires xplan_url
, xplan_username
and xplan_password
, but they should be passed as GET parameters.
###GET /task/<task_id>
Get the results of the CSV upload.
When the task has not yet completed, returns HTTP 102 with a description of the job status in JSON format (we could use celery custom states to doing load progress quite easily, but I haven't done this).
When the task has completed, returns HTTP 200 with a description of the job's result in JSON format. For now this is just the concatenated output of the batch requests used to perform the job, which is pretty raw but probably quite helpful in producing a report of what happened.
cURL examples
Get the access levels template and write it to a csv
curl "http://localhost:5000/access_levels?xplan_username=a&xplan_password=a&xplan_url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A1983%2Fautotestuk%2F" > test.csv
Stick some Xs in it and push it back up
curl -v "http://localhost:5000/upload_csv/access_levels" -F "xplan_url=http://localhost:1983/autotestuk/" -F "xplan_username=a" -F "xplan_password=a" -F "file=@test.csv"
Ask for the result of the upload
curl -v "http://localhost:5000/task/1ebae51e-efdd-4e34-b111-033ef0306bc3"
[{"msg": "OK", "body": "{\"caps\":[\"edit_entity_note\",\"list_group\",\"login\"],\"name\":\"Test Access Level 1462384104.84\",\"id\":\"10\"}", "code": 200, "name": "0", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}, {"msg": "OK", "body": "{\"caps\":[\"view_user_time_taken_data_for_visible_users\",\"mailchimp_integration\",\"edit_entity_note\",\"campaign\",\"manage_template\",\"upload_template_merge_on_the_fly\",\"list_client\",\"list_group\",\"remove_existing_invoice\",\"allow_task_thread_tpl_access\",\"edit_existing_invoice\",\"login_with_sso\",\"change_password\",\"user_time_taken\",\"edit_client\",\"login_with_password\",\"create_tasks_from_template_only\",\"create_client\",\"client_focus\",\"list_user\",\"login\",\"allow_diary_tpl_access\",\"use_invoice\",\"link_client_partner\",\"edit_tasks\",\"allow_diary\",\"allow_edai\",\"create_tasks_from_non_template\",\"override_target_asset_allocation\",\"docnote_delete_docpart\",\"allow_tasks\",\"remove_groupitem\",\"xmerge_from_client_list_or_search_results\",\"allow_email\",\"allow_email_tpl_access\"],\"name\":\"Adviser\",\"id\":\"1\"}", .... etc
Create 20 or so users
curl -v "http://localhost:5000/upload_csv/users" -F "xplan_url=http://localhost:1983/autotestuk/" -F "xplan_username=a" -F "xplan_password=a" -F "file=@users.csv"
Get the result (after a few 102s)
curl -v "http://localhost:5000/task/8d47832b-1c8b-4c3f-a811-f03f1eb448e2"
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
[{"msg": "Created", "body": "{\"id\":330}", "code": 201, "name": "0", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}, {"msg": "Created", "body": "{\"id\":331}", "code": 201, "name": "1", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}, {"msg": "Created", "body": "{\"id\":332}", "code": 201, "name": "2", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}, {"msg": "Created", "body": "{\"id\":333}", "code": 201, "name": "3", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}, {"msg": "Created", "body": "{\"id\":334}", "code": 201, "name": "4", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}, {"msg": "Created", "body": "{\"id\":335}", "code": 201, "name": "5", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}, {"msg": "Created", "body": "{\"id\":336}", "code": 201, "name": "6", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}, {"msg": "Created", "body": "{\"id\":337}", ....