- 9
When can update gradle support 6.0+
#329 opened by hegaojian - 1
Is this library abandoned?
#324 opened by dafi - 0
- 3
The new plugin bintray-publish supports Gradle 6.0+ and Android Gradle Plugin 4.0+
#326 opened by panpf - 0
When targetSdkVersion>=29 under app, click the selected photos and the application crashes with the error message as follows:
#328 opened by HAISHUN - 11
Cause: org/gradle/api/internal/java/usagecontext/LazyConfigurationUsageContext
#318 opened by firepmi - 2
error for: ''
#317 opened by 3HJack - 0
Execution failed for task ':Csj:mockableAndroidJar'. > java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:$FileCreatorException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
#321 opened by zx134256 - 1
When to support gradle6.1.1
#323 opened by ewgcat - 1
- 0
Android databinding support..?
#313 opened by BROUDING - 0
- 6
- 2
Support for labels
#289 opened by johnjohndoe - 12
Need gradle 6.0 support
#298 opened by nyssance - 7
- 11
Plugin is publishing empty sources jar
#262 opened by bruno-ortiz - 2
Projects using Gradle 5.x complains that this library is using deprecated methods
#263 opened by zegnus - 4
How can i remove sources.jar and javadoc.jar of bintrayUpload process
#270 opened by wangduanqing5945 - 1
- 1
- 1
unable to upload due to 401 unauthorized error
#330 opened by lingxuxiong - 1
publishReleasePublicationToMavenLocal ---- Failed
#322 opened by KunMinX - 3
POM project file is not valid
#320 opened by abhi007tyagi - 6
- 2
The attempt to release the Android library ends up being successful even if bintray user/key are wrong
#314 opened by agap - 3
- 5
AGP 3.6.0 support
#308 opened by afollestad - 5
Support for mavenCentralSync
#303 opened by marandaneto - 1
Build failed with an exception when upload xxx.aar
#306 opened by suyunSSY - 11
- 2
How to add aar to the library?
#265 opened by wellbranding - 1
Execution failed for task ':bintrayUpload'. Not Found
#294 opened by emre1512 - 1
INFO: API 'variantOutput.getPackageLibrary()' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'variant.getPackageLibraryProvider()'.
#295 opened by 908657085 - 2
Could not find com.novoda:bintray-release:0.8.0.
#293 opened by kauramanp - 1
#299 opened by NBXXF - 1
No files in own library after update
#297 opened by AlexDundar - 1
Cannot convert config to Gradle Kotlin DSL
#291 opened by erikhuizinga - 5
bintrayUpload is too slow and failed
#287 opened by KunMinX - 2
> Task :app:bintrayUpload Repository name, package name or version name are null for project: project ':app'
#269 opened by Testing-007 - 1
a bintray-release warning
#290 opened by strugglelin - 1
用的 classpath 'com.novoda:bintray-release:0.9.1'报错如下
#288 opened by 214024475 - 1
- 3
- 4
specify package name
#275 opened by moagrius - 4
Need to make repo and package before
#277 opened by ManojBehera - 4
Gradle 4.10
#273 opened by UttamPanchasara - 13
Mysterious "maven" publication from nowhere
#266 opened by rekire - 1
Minimum supported Gradle version is 4.10.1
#264 opened by rishabh876 - 1
Failed to send a message: Package should include sources as part of the package.
#261 opened by devShdKhan