
All-In-One Kubernetes tools (kubectl, helm, iam-authenticator, eksctl, etc)

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

All-In-One Kubernetes tools (kubectl, helm, iam-authenticator, eksctl, kubeseal, etc)

kubernetes docker images with necessary tools

DockerHub Badge


(1) For AWS EKS users, not all versions are supported yet. AWS EKS maintains special kubernetes versions to its managed service. Do remember to choice the proper version for EKS only.

(2) There is no latest tag for this image

(3) If you need more tools to be added, raise tickets in issues.

(4) This image supports linux/amd64,linux/arm64 platform now, updated on 15th Feb 2023 with #54

Installed tools

Github Repo


build logs


Docker image tags


Why we need it

Mostly it is used during CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) or as part of an automated build/deployment

kubectl versions

You should check in kubernetes versions, it lists the kubectl latest minor versions and used as image tags.

Involve with developing and testing

If you want to build these images by yourself, please follow below commands.

export REBUILD=true
# comment the line in file "build.sh" to stop image push:  docker push ${image}:${tag}
bash ./build.sh

Weekly build

Automation build job runs weekly by Circle CI Pipeline.