- Download the 2Checkout payment module at https://github.com/craigchristenson/2checkout-wp-invoice
- Upload the files to your WP-Invoice directory on your web server.
- Under Invoice -> Settings, select 2Checkout for Default Payment Method.
- Enter your 2Checkout Seller ID. (2Checkout Account Number)
- Enter your 2Checkout Secret Word. (Must be the same value entered on your 2Checkout Site Management page.)
- For demo sales set Demo Mode to Yes. For live sales keep Demo Mode at No.
- Copy the URL provided under "2Checkout Approved URL/INS URL".
- Click Save All Settings.
- Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
- Click the Account tab and Site Management subcategory.
- Under Direct Return select Header Redirect or Given links back to my website.
- Enter your Secret Word.(Must be the same value entered in your WP-Invoice admin.)
- Paste the URL you copied from the "2Checkout Approved URL/INS URL" field in the Approved URL field.
- Click Save Changes.
- Under the Notification tab, paste the URL you copied from the "2Checkout Approved URL/INS URL" field in the Global URL field and enable all messages.
- Click Save Changes.
Please feel free to contact 2Checkout directly with any integration questions.