
NovoTel Hosted PHP Billing Level 5

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======================================== W W W . N O V O T E L B D . C O M

======================================== Server Offer: Windows Server + Voipswitch+all Module+pc2phone= 99$ Windows Server + Core4voip+allmodule+pc2phone= 99$ Server + vos3000 + Customized CDR ( 1500cc ) = 120$ Server + vos3000 + Customized CDR ( 1000cc ) = 99$ #Core4billing[Level5] #Novotel PHP billing[Level5] #Pc2phone #Unblock Pc2phone #java Tunnel N.B : NovoTel PHP Billing , VOS3000 full installation Charge One Time Fee 150$

Warm Regards,

Carrier Relations Department NovoTel IT Limited Carrier.relations@novotelbd.com Cell: +8801838820000 www.novotelbd.com

W W W . N O V O T E L B D . C O M

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