- 0
Library is not compatible with .NET 9.0
#266 opened by ArchieCoder - 11
AVC denied
#177 opened by SpencerBurgess - 0
.NET Maui Version
#265 opened by project-x51 - 7
No results under iOS16
#249 opened by thomas-niederreiner - 1
Null Exception on iOS
#261 opened by addibouk - 8
ZeroconfResolver.ResolveAsync doesn't work unless the WiFi network adapter is restarted
#178 opened by AmirMahdiNassiri - 0
Here you just duplicated name, I suggest you set here another value such as ptrRec.PTRDNAME.Split('.')[0]
#253 opened by Kistarlan - 3
Zeroconf.ZeroconfHost.AddService (Zeroconf.IService service) Null Key Exception - iOS, Bug
#244 opened by twofingerrightclick - 1
- 1
- 1
ResolveAsync ObjectDisposedExceptions
#227 opened by crezyoz - 0
- 0
If we run code with release build, devices are not listing or getting discovered .
#236 opened by pmidalwan9650 - 1
Error Code 10 in Xamarin.iOS on iOS 14.8+
#233 opened by wreckseal - 0
How to get real time information
#229 opened by mveril - 3
- 2
Cannot install Zeroconf in UWP app
#180 opened by daltonclaybrook - 2
How to create a mdns can be found
#186 opened by PhilanthropistBright - 0
DisplayName gets cut under Android
#220 opened by thomas-niederreiner - 1
Zeroconf.ResolveAsync does not find multiple service advertised from the same host
#198 opened by ChrisKays - 1
- 0
Able to resolve but just once.
#223 opened by BruceKristelijn - 0
Delegate 'Func<IObserver<ServiceAnnouncement>, IDisposable>' does not take 2 arguments
#218 opened by jelmer3000 - 1
Support for IPv6 addresses when resolving host
#188 opened by YannTremblay96 - 26
- 1
Zeroconf.ResolveAsync is not working on Xamarin.IOS. Device OS version is 14.6
#206 opened by POST-IT - 0
Unable to limit discovery to only one network adapter.
#110 opened by ada - 1
Browse".site." domain
#183 opened by twofingerrightclick - 1
Is it possible to get the hostname ?
#166 opened by pdgmdm - 2
- 4
Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x20 in tid 24149 (Thread Pool Wor)
#125 opened by RickTracer - 1
- 1
- 7
- 8
ZeroConf for IOS seems to be broken (for networks without a default gateway)?
#111 opened by Samureimer - 3
Each call can return different number of devices
#104 opened by genifycom - 2
Advertise Service
#103 opened by a13u - 2
Zeroconf.NetworkInterface.<>c__DisplayClass1_2.<<NetworkRequestAsync>b__1>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Zeroconf\NetworkInterface.cs:line 127
#102 opened by poumason - 1
Support for .Net Standard 2.1
#173 opened by mbgerozaga - 2
- 4
Limit discovery to only one network interface
#112 opened by jullduxster - 2
Alternative solution in NET-mDNS
#163 opened by davidzwa - 3
- 4
Compatibility with Windows 10 DNS-SD
#101 opened by matthew-a-thomas - 1
ResolverListener doesn't refresh counter of ToRemove if response is successfull again.
#105 opened by niklasgh - 1
- 0
Fail to discover devices on separate VLAN
#145 opened by spudwebb - 2
Zeroconf library is missing strong name.
#146 opened by captain-git - 1
Browse for services on a specific domain
#133 opened by afeick - 4
Can't export to linux-arm
#107 opened by dviljoen