
Welcome! 👋

This is the official repository for the now-u Web Application. now-u is a non-profit started by James and Lizzie Elgar, aimed at driving positive change through coordinated monthly campaigns and actions. Volunteers from all over the world contributed to now-u, and are continuing to do so today, from app and web development, through designing and marketing. If you are reading this, there is a possibility you are a volunteer who has just been onboarded onto the Web Team, and if this is the case, keep on reading!

Development 💻

Whether you were formally onboarded onto the now-u team, or would like to contribute to some open source, now-u is extremely grateful for any input you may have, so firstly a massive THANK YOU! Although, if you are looking at contributing, please follow some code guidelines to ensure that this repository is kept clean for other contributors and volunteers.

  1. Pick an issue of your choosing from the issues tab on this Github repository. If there is no-one assigned to an issue, ask @JElgar or @stellenberger to assign you, or assign yourself and let us know on slack.
  2. Once you get started set it as "in-progress"
  3. Make a branch (off dev) called either "feature/description" or "bugfix/description"
  4. Make the required changes
  5. When you create a Pull Request, always Pull Request into the dev branch.
  6. When you submit a Pull Request, assign @JElgar or @stellenberger to conduct a Code Review.

Setup 🔨

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Make sure you are on the dev branch
  3. Run npm i to install dependencies required for this project
  4. Run npm start or to start this project locally

Where to start? 💁

To find out what needs doing checkout the issues. Select an issue that looks interesting to you and double check its not been assigned/in-progress. Issues have priorities but the real priority is what you find interesting.

Notes 📝

.env file is added to commit for eslint so be sure to remove this if adding new environment variables

depreciated -- To deploy to github pages for testing run npm run deploy