XMage Server Docker Image


### Build
docker build -t xmage:latest .

### Run stack
docker-compose up -d

### or run directly
docker run --rm -it \
    -p 17171:17171 \
    -p 17179:17179 \
    --add-host example.com: \
    -e "XMAGE_DOCKER_SERVER_ADDRESS=example.com" \

### or just use convenient build_and_run.sh which will always build fresh XMage service

XMage needs to know the domain name the server is running on. The --add-host option adds an entry to the containers /etc/hosts file for this domain. Using the XMAGE_* environment variables you can modify the config.xml file. You should always set XMAGE_DOCKER_SERVER_ADDRESS to the same value as --add-host.

You can limit the memory and CPU shares using the -m and -c options.
For more informations on this topic see: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#runtime-constraints-on-resources

docker run --rm -it \
    -p 17171:17171 \
    -p 17179:17179 \
    --add-host example.com: \
    -m 2g
    -c 512
    -e "XMAGE_DOCKER_SERVER_ADDRESS=example.com" \
    -e "XMAGE_DOCKER_SERVER_NAME=test-server" \

Other server settings
