
Generates HTML table based on JSON data, features ability to sort table by column values

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Setting Up Development Environment

  1. Install Node.js Go to http://nodejs.org/, download and install latest version of node.js. Or else use a package manager like apt-get to install node by entering a command such as:

"sudo apt-get install nodejs".

  1. Navigate to directory where source code is checked out and use npm (node package manager) to install dependencies. This could be done by entering the command:

"npm install".

  1. bold To run test suite you must install the Karma package globally bold this is done by entering the command on linux or mac

"sudo npm install -g karma"

On Windows machines enter the command:

"npm install -g karma"

and then add the node modules to your path by adding a variable NODE_PATH with the value


to your global path.

  1. bold To run tests bold Using command line interface navigate to the directory where source is checked out and enter the command:

"npm test"

This will launch a browser window specified in /test/karma.conf.js, and show test results in current command line terminal.

  1. To see example DOM with code in use enter command

"npm start"

then open browser tab to localhost:8080/index.html

Using Module

Make sure index.js file is loaded in DOM. Create table element in DOM with data-src attribute such as

then select element, and pass it to ConsumerTable constructor as below:

var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table'); new ConsumerTable(tables[0]);