
A tool to test and prototype vision code for use on robots in the First Robotics Competition.

Build Requirements

  • Microsoft's Visual Studio C++ Express 2008
  • NI Vision Development Module 2013
  • Eclipse IDE for C/C++ v4.3.1 or newer


  1. Install Microsoft's Visual Studio C++ Express 2008.
  2. Next install the NI Vision Development Module that came with the NI FRC 2014 software.
  3. Download and extract Eclipse to somewhere.
  4. Place the file named "EclipseEnv.bat" into the root directory of where eclipse is located.
  5. Open EclipseEnv.bat to launch eclipse.
  6. Select a location for your workspace.
  7. Import the FRCVisionHarness2014 Project into to eclipse's workspace.
  8. Use the source folder named "RobotCode" to place the code you are working on in.
  9. Adjust FRCVisionharness.cpp to test your robot code to your liking.