
type system experiments where rows are a monoid

Primary LanguageHaskellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This is an experimental type system based on various works, most notably Abstracting Extensible Data Types or Rows By Any Other Name

The initial row implementation was a fairly exact replica of the row theory termed "simple rows" in that paper. I have since extended it with a number of features of varying ambition and theoretical soundness.


Monoidal rows

The basic concept here is the inclusion of the row concatenation constraint ζ₁ ⊙ ζ₂ ~ ζ₃ which is the only way to combine rows in this system, and stands in contrast to other systems where in the usual method of row combination is via extension.

Ie, rather than type constructors

data Type
    = ...
    | TRowExtend Field Type
    | TRowNil

You have only a type constructor like

data Type
    = ...
    | TRow (Map Name Type)

and combination is done via constraint solving

Additionally, there is a constraint for row subtyping ζ₁ ◁ ζ₂, which allows constraining a row to a subset of another. This is representable in terms of the concatenation constraint, and in other implementations based on this paper it is; however I have found it allows a nice syntactic simplification of many constraints and so I have chosen to leave it as its own constraint constructor.

Despite the operation being associative and commutative, the rows are technically still only partial monoids, as the union produced is expected to be disjoint.

Pattern matching inference

The first extension made to the implementation in comparison to that of the original paper was to replace the branch operation Δ with a pattern matching implementation. This is a very straight-forward addition, and the features I have gone with here could easily be extended further; for example I have product row patterns as always producing a sub-row constraint, but other types of patterns would easily extend this, such as making the current system accessible via an additive ".." pattern, and expecting patterns without this qualifier to emit an exact constraint.

This just required extending the AST with a Patt type and mirroring the infer and check functions as inferPatt and checkPatt

Effect rows

The most theoretically sketchy addition I have made here is to distinguish between the existing rows (re-termed data row) and effects rows, with the effect rows being simple lists of types rather than maps. The sketchy part being that I allow instantiation of effect constructors at multiple different parameters in the same row. This leads to a rather complicated constraint reduction/unification strategy, and the consequences of my implementation have not been fully explored.

Notably, because effect constructors can be instantiated at multiple types, we cannot always unify variables immediately. I have chosen to unify where there is only one option and to emit a sub-row constraint where there are multiple. One can imagine this may lead to unsoundness in some scenario, though my testing has not revealed any such problems yet. A simple fix for this, if it proves to be problematic, would simply be to not unify the free meta-variables inside effect rows at all, and to expect other uses of the variable to provide the unification for us.

Various things were added to the implementation to support the effect rows, including a handler term, evidence passing during inference, and an extension to the environment containing effect definitions.

Data constraints

This simple extension adds a new member to the environment containing data type -> row associations, and two new constraints allowing the binding of a type to be a data type of either product or row construction. TProd and TSum type constructors become ephemeral constraint-passing markers for use with check, and instead of inferring all uses of rows as instantiations of TProd or TRow we instead infer them to be instantiations of variable type constrained to an appropriate row association.

The inclusion of this feature is designed to counter the usual problems of structural typing; ie incompatibility with systems like typeclasses, and the need for complex methods to work with recursive aliases. This allows us to have our row polymorphism, with the same level of expressivity, while maintaining nominative type system features as well. This has no impact on theoretic soundness, but does lead to more verbose signatures. This could be combatted by the addition of inline constraints like those used in the original paper, which would presumably be lifted into the current qualifier system at kind inference.

Layout polymorphism

This is another large addition, but turned out not to have nearly the same sketchy theoretical implications as the effect rows, though the method of solve is quite similar.

Essentially, I borrow and extend concepts from implementations of first-class labels (a la First Class Labels for Extensible Rows) in order to allow a new kind of polymorphic variance over data. In data rows, instead of a map from strings to types, we now have an associative array of labels to types, where labels are themselves a pair of types. The types contained in this pair are expected to always be of the kinds Int and String respectively; in other words we lift integers and strings to the type level to serve together as our label. The string obviously serves the same purpose as before, while the addition of the integer allows us to talk about the layout of our data.

Unlike in systems with true first-class labels, I do not allow full polymorphic variance over the entire label of a given field. Instead, either the layout or the name must always be specified. This limitation simplifies the constraint solving to a great degree and allows it to be easily shown as sound, avoiding the problem encountered in effects rows. Multiple possible unifications of labels are invariably an error.

To support this feature I added new forms to the AST in terms and pattern matching, that each allow either variance over layout or naming of their specified structures. This is fairly straight forward, and just leads to a bit of code repetition as we decide between creation of fresh meta variables for either the layout or name in labels. As it is quite verbose, I have left the syntax extension quite simple, but a much more expressive syntax should only require an equally straight forward modification; one could imagine for example allowing variance over some fields but not others with optional syntax.

The idea with this feature was to circumvent another typical problem with row types, that being that layout is generally chosen by the compiler, making it somewhat incompatible with usage in systems-level languages. The concept here is that, when defining a data type, the layout is always that given by the programmer, and when utilizing the data type at term (and pattern) level, the layout can be ignored. The simple addition of allowing the programmer to talk about the layout at term level also leads to syntactic conveniences, such as (in the case of un-curried functions using tuples for their n-ary argument passing) allowing a simple implementation of positional and named argument syntax. It also allows dual-construction syntax like that of Haskell data types. I also extended the usage of rows this way for sums, which at a term/pattern level may have limited use; however, being able to define the discriminator in data type definitions is obviously of some utility, if a language gives access to the underlying structure of sums.


There is no parser or driver here. The expected usage is as a reference, but if you would like to play with the inference there is a convenient test function in Main for use in GHCi.

The code here is licensed under MIT, do whatever you like with it. I'd like to hear from you if it turns out to be useful to you in a project or self-education.

For my own future and expanded work based on this study, check out the Ribbon programming language. It is an embeddable algebraic effects language with a focus on data polymorphism and structured allocation, motivated by deep extensibility in the style of Lua/LISP.


Contact me:

  • by email at noxabellus@gmail.com
  • on Discord, my username there is noxabellus; I can be found on various dev servers (fp, r/pl, etc) and DMs are open as well

I would love to hear any thoughts you have relating to soundness or potential additions

PRs without prior discussion are discouraged