
A minimal implementation of a dense slotmap

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A minimal implementation of a dense slotmap, under a permissive MIT license


About slotmaps

Slotmaps provide index-like access to values in an array with great data locality, where the "index" is valid through insertions/deletions/reallocation, and protect against use-after-free style errors, while introducing only a single level of indirection.


  • Cheap, single indirection using a single branch and basic pointer arithmetic
  • Stable indexing
  • Tightly packed values
  • Protection against invalid access of reused & deleted values
  • 64 bit key type fits in a register


  • Memory overhead of ~12 bytes per value
  • Indirection array cannot shrink
  • Key collision possible after UINT32_MAX reuses
  • While minimal, indirection of any kind does have a cost



An extremely minimal implementation of a dynamic array, most likely not suitable for purposes other than its use in the slotmap


The slotmap defined here has 3 internal dynamic arrays:

  • slots - All the Slots in the slotmap; once a new slot is added it is never removed
  • slot_finder - Indices of slots associated with values below
  • values - The user's actual array elements

Additionally, there are two fields to help managing the free slots:

  • freelist_head - The index of the first free Slot in the pseudo linked list of available slots, or -1 if there aren't any
  • freelist_tail - The index of the last free Slot in the list, if freelist_head is valid, otherwise undefined

Slot & Key

The slot and key structures are just aliases for Pair, which has two fields:

  • index - In a Slot, the index is an offset into the values array; while in a Key the index is an offset into the slots array
  • generation - Binds a Key and a Slot together: if a key's slot has a matching generation, it is safe to complete the indirection and provide access to the slot's value


The freelist is referred to here as a "pseudo linked list" because it is implemented by repurposing the index field of Slot. When a slot becomes free, its old value index is overwritten with the index of the next slot in the freelist, if there is one. Because there is no NULL for unsigned indices, the freelist tail is tracked, to avoid misinterpreting value indices as freelist indices



Creating a new slotmap is done with new, and initializing a map into a state other than one similar to what new does is likely to produce UB


Cleanup a slotmap's memory allocations with del. Alternatively, you can manually use the Vec's del function to free only the slots and slot_finder, and take the values array for use elsewhere.


When adding a new value into the slotmap, the value will always be placed at the end of the values array. The Slot used will be either a brand new one at the end of the slots array, or the last one freed if it is available in the freelist. After a slot for the value has been acquired, the index of the slot is inserted parallel to the value in the slot_finder array, to facilitate remapping the slot during relocation of the value. A Key is returned with the index of the slot, and the slot's generation


To lookup a value, the Key returned at insertion must be provided. The key's index is used to find a Slot, and then the generation values of the key and slot are compared. If they are equal, the slot's index is used to find the value, and a pointer is returned. If the key was invalid, NULL is returned


When a value needs to be removed, its Key must be provided, and lookup occurs as normal. If the key was invalid, false is returned at this time. Otherwise, the value and its parallel slot lookup index in the slot_finder array are swap removed. In swap removal, the element from the end of the array is moved to overwrite the removed data. This keeps the array tightly packed with the minimal amount of memory copied. After swapping, the swapped slot lookup index is used to locate the associated Slot, and change its index to the index the swapped value was moved to. Finally, the freed slot is added to the freelist, and true is returned. As a convenience, this implementation allows providing an out pointer to copy the removed value to before it is overwritten


Iteration can be done in a normal fashion over the values Vec's internal buffer; Simply cast it to the value type and iterate up to map.values.length. If Key/value pair iteration is desired, the slot_finder array is fully parallel to values and may be used to create valid keys by following the slot indices to get the generation

If a value needs to be aware of its own Key, you can pass NULL for the value pointer when inserting into the map, and initialize the value after acquiring the key


This code focuses on simplicity of implementation over safety; as such there are no bounds checks, null checks, or other guardrails in place, and invalid keys, uninitialized structures, NULL pointers and the like can cause all manner of undefined behavior. Use with care and validate yourself where needed. This code also does not make any attempt to free extra memory once it has been acquired (outside of map_del), though it is perfectly valid to do so on the values array.



The code is provided as a single file library, simply include the file as a header where you would like to use slotmaps

// my_file.h
#include "slotmap.c"



To inline the implementation into your source, include the file with a proceeding #define sm_SLOTMAP_IMPL somewhere in your implementation code

// my_file.c
#define sm_SLOTMAP_IMPL
#include "slotmap.c"


To compile a free-standing library, you can just define sm_SLOTMAP_IMPL through the command line

clang -Dsm_SLOTMAP_IMPL slotmap.c
clang your_source/*.c slotmap.o

Dynamic/Shared Library

To compile a shared library or dll, you must define sm_SLOTMAP_IMPL while compiling the library, and on Windows you must also define sm_SHARED_LIB while compiling the library and when including it as a header


clang -Dsm_SLOTMAP_IMPL -fPIC -shared slotmap.c -olibslotmap.so
clang -L. -Wl,-rpath=. -lslotmap your_source/*.c

Note that this is example is a bit unconventional for Linux software distribution, in that the -Wl,-rpath=. linker argument tells the dynamic linker to search for libslotmap.so in the program's directory rather than in the typical system directories. This is totally optional and is only written this way here to allow for 1:1 correspondence to the Windows example below.


clang-cl -Dsm_SLOTMAP_IMPL -Dsm_SHARED_LIB /LD slotmap.c
clang-cl slotmap.lib your_source/*.c
// my_windows_file.h
#define sm_SHARED_LIB
#include "slotmap.c"


// Create a new slotmap capable of holding integers, with an initial capacity for 16
sm_Map map = sm_map_new(sizeof(int), 16);

// Insert two values and get their keys
sm_Key k_1 = sm_map_insert(&map, (int[]){1});
sm_Key k_2 = sm_map_insert(&map, (int[]){2});

// Remove the first value
int v_1;
assert(sm_map_remove(&map, k_1, &v_1));
assert(v_1 == 1);

// Check that the second value is still accessible
int* v_2 = sm_map_get(&map, k_2);
assert(*v_2 == 2);

// Cleanup the heap allocations in the slotmap