
Jdocmanual based on github flavoured markdown

Primary LanguagePHP

JDOC Manual

This component displays pages prepared in Markdown format in a Manual layout with an index of pages to the left, the content of a page in the centre and the contents of the current page to the right.

It was designed to work with data obtained from the Joomla documentation site. However, it can work with any documentation source in Markdown format.

For demonstration purposes, Joomla documentation pages relevant to Joomla 4 and 5 have been converted from Mediawiki format markdown to GitHub flavoured markdown. The pages are organised into three Manuals aimed at different types of user:

  • The Joomla 4 User Manual
  • The Joomla 4 Help Pages
  • The Joomla 4 Developer Manual

A method is provided to update the source Markdown files. However, Updating git repository markdown files uses the PHP exec function which is unlikely to be allowed on shared hosting.

Jdocmanual Backward Compatibility

Version 0.10.0 of Jdocmanual is not compatible with previous versions. Please uninstall any previous version before installing Version 0.10.0 or later.

The post-installation database population method has also changed. The tables are now built from the Markdown and Text source files.

Note that the major version number is 0, which means this software has not reached release status. Future changes of minor version may not be backwards compatible.


Jdocmanual requires Joomla 4 or 5. It is best used on a system which allows command line access. Some functionality will not be available on shared hosting due to the use of the PHP exec function to commit changes to git.

Install git

Git is a version control system available for most platforms. It is not essential for Jdocmanual and you don't need to know much about it. Install it if you can. Otherwise see the workarounds below.

Obtain the Markdown data files

In your Downloads folder issue the following command:

git clone https://github.com/ceford/j4xdemos-data-jdocmanual.git

This will create a folder named j4xdemos-data-jdocmanual. Move the folder to somewhere in your file system and rename it to something simple. It contains a manuals folder used by Jdocmanual to retrieve source files.

The data files can be anywhere in your file system that you have write access to. It is best not to put the files in your web tree. For example, you could place the files in /home/username/data/manuals/. The last element of the path must be /manuals/ with a trailing /.

Remember the path to your data folder!

Non-git Workaround

Go to this url:


Select the green Code button and the Download ZIP option. When downloaded you may unzip it and move it to wherever required. On a shared hsting system you can upload the zip file, unzip it there and then move the manuals folder to a location outside your web tree.

Remember the path to your data folder!

Jdocmanual installation

The Jdocmanual package consists of a component and a plugin. For now they are installed individually and not as a package. To obtain each, go to the following sites, select the green Code button and then the Download ZIP option and save the downloads.


The items are installed in the same way as any other component. After installation select the Components/Jdocmanual/Manual menu from the Administrator menu. You should see a page with Setup instructions.

Set the Markdown data source location

Select the Options button in the Toolbar and enter the absolute path to your data source in the Git source field of the Settings tab. You did remember it!

Save & Close

The Setup page should indicate that your data source is set (but this is not verified).

Enable the Plugin

To populate the database you need to enable the plg_jdocmanual plugin. It is not enabled by default as it is only used to populate the database from the command line.

Go to the list of system plugins, find the Jdocmanual plugin and enable it.

Database Population - Command Line Method

The database jdm_articles and jdm_menus tables are populated by reading the data files. This can take a long time - at least a couple of minutes and perhaps much longer on slow hosts. Proceed as follows:

Open a terminal window and cd into the cli folder within your Joomla installation root. Here is an example:

cd /home/username/public_html/optional-path-to-joomla/cli

Issue the command to convert data from the markdown source files to HTML in the #__jdm_articles table of the database:

php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildarticles all all

Issue the command to create the menus:

php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildmenus all all

If you encounter out of memory problems or out of time problems you can replace the first all parameter with a single manual name, one of developer, help or user and/or the second all parameter with a language code, one of de en es fr nl pt pt-br ru. Using that method you can build the database manual by manual and/or language by language.

Database Population - Cron Method

If you do not have access to the command line, common with shared hosting, you should be able to call these commands from a cron job. Make sure you give the full path to the php executable, example:

/usr/local/opt/php@8.1/bin/php /home/username/path/to/joomla/cli/joomla.php \
jdocmanual:action buildarticles all all

You need to find out where the php executable is located on your host operating system.

Database Population - Import Method

There are two sql.zip files available that you can download and import with phpMyAdmin. The tables in these files are imported as #__jdm_articles and #__jdm_menus. You need to delete your existing (empty) tables and rename the newly imported tables using the database prefix for your site.

The files are available from ...

Help Proxy Server

If you wish to run your own Help server you can use the following CLI command to generate Help files:

php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildproxy all all

The help files will be placed in a folder named proxy in the root of your site. You then need to copy help.css, index.php and key-index.php from components/com_jdocmanual/proxy to your site_root/proxy (ToDo: automate this).

Then change the $help url in your configuration.php file to point to you server. Example:

	public $helpurl = 'https://localhost/path-to-site-root/proxy?keyref=Help{major}{minor}:{keyref}&lang={langcode}';

##Symbolic Link to images

Many of the images in Jdocmanual come from the Joomla Documentation site and will display in the both frontend and backend views. However, images located in the images folder of the Jdocmanual site will not display in the backend unless there is a symbolic link from the the root images folder to administrator images. This link can be made with the following command:

ln -s /path/to/joomla/root/images /path/to/joomla/root/administrator/images


That is it! Select the Joomla Administrator Components/Jdocmanual/Manual menu item and expect to see the default Manual selected in English.

Site Menu

If you want to show the Manuals on the site just create a JDOC Manual menu item. Note the single page is for search results but it has not been implemented.

Important: The menu alias must be jdocmanual or internal links will be broken and lead to frontend problems.

You may wish to place the menu on a page without side modules so that the full width of the page may be used for content.

Multilingual Sites

The System - Language Filter plugin must have the Remove URL Language Code set to Yes or local images will not display and internal links will be broken.


Two libraries are included in the component libraries folder.

In the edition that features source management two libraries are required, one to convert Markdown to HTML and a second to provide a diff view of proposed changes to source files.

  • league/commonmark is used to convert Markdown to HTML.
  • jfcherng/php-diff is used to display diffs.

PHP 8.1 is required by ...

User Groups

If you wish to allow others to help maintain content you need to create two User Groups:

  • JDM Author: allowed to edit content in English and other languages.
  • JDM Publisher: allowed to commit and publish updated content.

The JDM Author group should have Public as its parent. The JDM Publisher group should have JDM Author as its parent.

Users: Viewing Access Levels

JDM Author should be set to the Special Viewing Access level. From the Users / Access Levels page select Special and add JDM Author to the User Groups with Viewing Access.

Global Options

In the Global Options form select the Permissions tab and then the JDM Author item. Set Administrator login to Allowed.

Jdocmanual Options

From the JDOC Manual, Manual page select the Options button. In the Permissions list select JDM Author and set the following to Allowed:

  • Access Administration Interface
  • Create
  • Delete
  • Edit

Select JDM Publisher and set the following to Allowed:

  • Publish

Save and Close

If you now login as a user in the JDM Author group you will see the Home Dashboard with some modules not relevant for Jdocmanual.

Turn off the Help menu item

Go to the list of Administrator modules and find the Administrator Menu module. In the Module tab set the Help Menu item to Hide.

Unpublish or restrict Access to modules

In the Administrator modules list find the Logged-in Users item used in the cpanel position (not the cpanel-users position). Either Unpublish it or set Access to Super Users.

Find and unpublish the Popular Articles and Recently Added Articles items for the cpanel position (not the cpanel-content position).

There may be other modules needing similar treatment.

The Home Dashboard should now be empty for a JDM Author.

Who can do what?

JDM Author and JDM Publisher can login but should only have access to the the Home Dashboard and the Jdocmanual component.

JDM Author does not have access to the Commit button in the Article Edit page toolbar so cannot update the git repository or displayed page. Otherwise each can use all other features.

Manager and Administrator can login but will not see the Jdocmanual component.

Author, Editor and Publisher do not have access to the Administrator interface.

Super Users have complete access.