
A step by step beginner tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A step by step beginner tutorial.

Setting up git repository #step-1


  • Git repo initialization

    git init
    # or
    # git clone <git repository url>
  • Adding git ignore file

    gitignore.io is a great tool to generate custom .gitignore files that follows the community best practices.

    Just select your OS, IDE and language (or combination of those) and save the output as your .gitignore file.

    npx gitignore-dot-io node macos visualstudiocode
    # or use http://gitignore.io/ to create the file

Running Node.js scripts #step-2



  • Create script

    echo "console.log('hello world 👋 👋 👋')" > index.js
  • Run the script

    node index.js

Building HTTP server #step-3



Serving static files #step-4



Good guide: https://stackabuse.com/node-http-servers-for-static-file-serving/

  • Resolving file path location by url

    path native module - https://nodejs.org/api/path.html

  • 404 handling

    use fs module to find file existence

  • File stream

    use fs module to open a file stream and pipe it to the http response object

Environment variables #step-5



  • Using environment variable

Writing modules #step-6



  • CommonJS - exporting

  • CommonJS - consumption

Working with npm cli tool #step-7



  • Initiating npm

    npm init
    # or 'npm init -y' for skipping interactive init (replay yes to all)
  • Installing dependencies

    ESLint is highly recommend on every JavaScript project we will add it to our project as a development dependency.

    npm install eslint --save-dev

    Notice the package.json has been updated with a "devDependencies" field, package-lock.json file been created, and lastly the node_module folder (should be greyed out on the IDE and SHOULD NOT be committed to the repo).

  • Using cli tools (npx)

    The package.json can describe bin files, those are mounted by npm for use as cli tools.

    npx eslint --init
    ##### Those are the answers given in this tutorial
    # ? How would you like to use ESLint? To check syntax and find problems
    # ? What type of modules does your project use? CommonJS (require/exports)
    # ? Which framework does your project use? None of these
    # ? Does your project use TypeScript? No
    # ? Where does your code run? Node
    # ? What format do you want your config file to be in? JavaScript

    npx is a npm package runner command, it looks for bin file on ./node_modules/.bin/ folder, if none is found then npm downloads it and run a package temporarily.

    Now we can run eslint on our project.

    npx eslint
  • Installing global tool (not recommended)

    npm accept -g flag for managing global dependencies, this is not recommended as at not reflected as a dependency on the package.json file, the following examples are for educational purposes.

    npm install -g eslint

    Now eslint is available on our terminal

    eslint .

    And and don't forget to uninstall it

    npm remove -g eslint

npm scripts #step-8



We can add scripts to our package.json file under the "scripts" section.

  • Adding lint script

    By default we have the "test" script but we can add any script, npm also support pre and post prefix for running scripts preceding or following scripts.

  • Running scripts

    npm run lint

Using npm packages #step-9



  • Installing express

    npm install express

    Notice the package.json has been updated with a "dependencies" field, package-lock.json file been updated as well.

  • Static serving with express

    Notice that now files are serve with the correct mime type.