uMMORPG Website

A PHP login/register system for uMMORPG, compatible with both MySQL and SQLite databases.


Hi, I'm noynac! Feel free to create an issue if your having problems. This is meant to be a basic example website to build off of. Though you are free to use it as is, if you'd like.


  • A web server, the most popular ones are Nginx and Apache.
  • PHP 7.x
  • SQLite3
  • MySQL (if you're not using SQLite)
  • Ensure you have PDO drivers installed and enabled.


  • Clone repository with git clone
  • Move the files inside the public_html folder into your main web directory.
  • Move the resources folder one directory up from your main web directory.
  • Open the file config.php located in resources/core/config.php.
  • Edit the configuration to fit your needs.
  • If you're using Remote SQL with MySQL, remember to allow your web server IP to access the MySQL server.
  • If you're using SQLite, you'll need to CHMOD your database and folder permissions to allow the server to write to it.

Configuration Options

As many of the settings from config.php are self explanatory, I won't include all of them here.

Please note that your password salt may not be on line 210 depending on your version of uMMORPG you use & the changes you may have previously made. It is also important to mention that once you change the salt, no pre-existing accounts will be able to login.

Name Description Options
database_type Select the database type for your project. SQlite, MySQL
has_ssl Adds an additional header and enables secure flag for sessions. Requires SSL true, false
password_salt Can be found in NetworkManagerMMO.cs on line 210. Default is "at_least_16_byte". hash=Utils.PBKDF2Hash(loginPassword,"at_least_16_byte"+loginAccount); Can be any string.
alphanumeric_names Only allows alphanumeric account names if true. If false, strip tags and slashes. true, false
project_name Changes the navigation bar text as well as sets the server header and session name. Can be any string.


  • Add character search page
  • Add view character page w/ stats
  • Add email option with email verification