
Flipper zero shitposting repository

Primary LanguagePython


Flipper Scripts & Writeups

Just shitposting useless tools that are useful for me, maybe for others as well ¯_(ツ)_/¯



patch custom firmwares to preserve my own custom tweaks after flashing.

Currently supports:

  • Patching the name of the dolphin in the firmware.
  • Patching the points of the Flappy Bird game in the firmware.
  • Building the firmware with custom arguments.
python patcher.py -p <path_to_firmware> -f <firmware_type> -b -a <build_args>


patch .dolphin.state file to increase icount (xp) and level up the Flipper Dolphin levels


python dolphin_state_patcher.py <file_path> <xp_value>


  • bytes.py - Convert num to bytes little endian etc.



Cheatsheet & tips

Building Firmware

Compile everything for development

./fbt FIRMWARE_APP_SET=debug_pack updater_package

Compile everything for release + get updater package to update from microSD card

./fbt COMPACT=1 DEBUG=0 updater_package

Check dist/ for build outputs.

Use flipper-z-{target}-update-{suffix}.tgz to flash your device.

Updating Firmware

Replace (CURRENT VERSION) with version that you downloaded from releases

  • Unpack flipper-z-f7-update-(CURRENT VERSION).tgz (or .zip) into any free folder on your PC or smartphone
  • You should find folder named f7-update-(CURRENT VERSION) that contains files like update.fuf, resources.tar and etc..
  • Remove microSD card from flipper and insert it into PC or smartphone (you can skip this step and upload all files using qFlipper)
  • Create new folder update on the root of the microSD card and move folder that you previously extracted from archive - f7-update-(CURRENT VERSION) into update on microSD card
  • So result should look like update/f7-update-(CURRENT VERSION)/ with all files in this folder on microSD card, remember iOS default Files app doesn't show all files properly (3 instead of 6), so you need to use another app for unpacking or use PC or Android
  • Verify that all files are present on your microSD card
  • After all you need to insert microSD card back into flipper, navigate into filebrowser, open this file update/f7-update-(CURRENT VERSION)/update.fuf
  • Update will start, wait for all stages
  • Done manual
