
Simple file and MySQL database backup tool for FreeBSD (Codeberg mirror)

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


backupbot is a easy to use tool for creating (automatic) backups on FreeBSD. Currently files and mysql databases are supported, but more features can be added in the future.


  • Easy to use: get started in just a couple of minutes.
  • Backup files and mysql databases: daily and weekly backups with optional compression and encryption.
  • Configurable settings: customize your backups, ownership, permissions, retention, schedule and random delay.
  • Made for FreeBSD: compatible with basic shell.

How to use

It's quite easy! Adjust the settings of /usr/local/etc/backupbot.conf to taste and run backupbot --backup to start the backup process. To effectuate the chosen schedule for automatic backups, use backupbot --cron and backupbot will take care of the rest.

If both mysql and files features have been enabled, the output of the backup will look something like this:

root@server:~ # ls -all -h /data/backup/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   512B Jul  1 15:36 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel   1.0K Jun 29 23:52 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   162K Jul  1 03:00 200701T0300-blog.sql.xz
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   896M Jul  1 03:00 200701T0300-files.tar.xz
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    66K Jul  1 03:00 200701T0300-cloud_test.sql.xz
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    16M Jul  1 03:00 200701T0300-wp.sql.xz

How to install

Use botmanager or install manually:

  1. Copy backupbot to /usr/local/bin/backupbot (owner=root, group=wheel, permissions=555 (read & execute).
  2. Copy backupbot.conf to /usr/local/etc/backupbot.conf and adjust the settings to taste.
  3. Optionally add the chosen schedule to a automatic cronjob with backupbot --cron.

This will look something like:

# install backupbot
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nozel-org/freebsd-backupbot/master/backupbot -O /usr/local/bin/backupbot
chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/backupbot
chmod 555 /usr/local/bin/backupbot
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nozel-org/freebsd-backupbot/master/backupbot.conf -O /usr/local/etc/backupbot.conf
nano /usr/local/etc/backupbot.conf
backupbot --cron


The manual provides some more insight in to backupbot. If you have questions, suggestion or find bugs, please let us know via Issues and Discussions.


1.7.1-RELEASE (21-05-2023)

  • Fixed layout inconsistency in log format.
  • Fixed legacy reference to /usr/bin in option_cron.

1.7.0-RELEASE (18-12-2022)

  • Added configurable automatic permissions of backups.
  • Log entries are now more informational.
  • Added a optional random delay for backups to spread out the potential load of multiple servers starting their backups at the same time.
  • Error messages are more clear and refer to the relevant variable in the configuration file.
  • Replaced echo with printf for consistency.

1.6.0-RELEASE (27-05-2022)

  • Added configurable automatic ownership of backups.
  • Added rudimentary logging of backupbot's actions.

1.5.1-RELEASE (20-01-2022)

  • Fixed a bug that would show an error when using --version or --help was used if the configuration file wasn't configured properly.

1.5.0-RELEASE (18-01-2022)

  • Refactored encryption feature to be configurable for every backup feature instead of it being a general setting.
  • Simplified the configuration of encryption by reducing the required configuration variable to one.
  • Improved default settings and removed unneeded checks on default values.
  • Fixed a bug where choosing 00:00 as the daily backup time would not work properly.
  • Expanded and improved the backupbot manual.

1.4.0-RELEASE (16-01-2022)

  • Added daily backup and weekly backup cycles.
  • Extended automatic cron generation to include daily and weekly backup cycles.
  • Extended retention to include daily and weekly backup cycles.
  • Changed backup file names to reflect whether its a daily, weekly or manual backup.
  • Changed the order of backup file name components to be more easy to read.
  • Made default configuration file more compact and easy to read.
  • Made some variable names more consistent.

1.3.0-RELEASE (15-01-2022)

  • Added more compression alternatives: no compression, gzip, bzip2 and xz.

1.2.2-RELEASE (14-01-2022)

  • Fixed a bug in retention feature.
  • Switched from STABLE to RELEASE tag for releases.

1.2.1-STABLE (11-01-2022)

  • Refactored retention feature to keep working when user switches from encrypted to unencrypted backups and vice versa.

1.2.0-STABLE (16-10-2021)

  • Added support for automatic removal of old backups/retention.

1.1.0-STABLE (19-01-2021)

  • Added support for symmetrical encryption of backups.

1.0.0-STABLE (01-07-2020)

  • First stable release.
  • Added support for backing up files.
  • Added support for backing up mysql databases.
  • Added support for automatic backup based on cron.
  • Added creation of cronjob based on backupbot.conf.
  • Added configurable settings for backup features and cron in backupbot.conf.