
TypeScript friendly HTTP client wrapper for the browser and node.js.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



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TypeScript friendly HTTP client wrapper for the browser and node.js.

🇺🇸English | 🇯🇵日本語


  • Path, URL query, header, body, and response can all specify the type
  • FormData / URLSearchParams content can also specify the type
  • HTTP client supports axios / fetch / node-fetch



  1. Reproduce the endpoint directory structure in the "api" directory
  2. Export a Type alias named "Methods"
  3. Call "aspida" with npm scripts
  4. API type definition file "api/$api.ts" will be generated, so import the application and make an HTTP request

Getting Started

Installation (axios ver.)

  • Using npm:

    $ npm install @aspida/axios axios
  • Using Yarn:

    $ yarn add @aspida/axios axios

Create "api" directory

$ mkdir api

Create an endpoint type definition file

  • GET: /v1/users/?limit={number}

  • POST: /v1/users


    type User = {
      id: number
      name: string
    export type Methods = {
      get: {
        query?: {
          limit: number
        resBody: User[]
      post: {
        reqBody: {
          name: string
        resBody: User
         * reqHeaders(?): ...
         * reqFormat: ...
         * status: ...
         * resHeaders(?): ...
         * polymorph: [...]
  • GET: /v1/users/${userId}

  • PUT: /v1/users/${userId}


    Specify the type of path variable “userId” starting with underscore with “@number”
    If not specified with @, the default path variable type is "number | string"

    type User = {
      id: number
      name: string
    export type Methods = {
      get: {
        resBody: User
      put: {
        reqBody: {
          name: string
        resBody: User

Build type definition file


  "scripts": {
    "api:build": "aspida"
$ npm run api:build

> api/$api.ts was built successfully.

Make HTTP request from application


import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const userId = 0
  const limit = 10
  const client = api(aspida())

  await client.v1.users.post({ body: { name: "taro" } })

  const res = await client.v1.users.get({ query: { limit } })
  // req -> GET: /v1/users/?limit=10
  // res -> { status: 200, body: [{ id: 0, name: "taro" }], headers: {...} }

  const user = await client.v1.users._userId(userId).$get()
  // req -> GET: /v1/users/0
  // res -> { id: 0, name: "taro" }

aspida official HTTP clients

Command Line Interface Options

Option Type Default Description
string "aspida.config.js" Specify the path to the configuration file.
Enable watch mode.
Regenerate $api.ts according to the increase / decrease of the API endpoint file.
Print aspida version.

Options of aspida.config.js

Option Type Default Description
input string "api" Specifies the endpoint type definition root directory
baseURL string "" Specify baseURL of the request
trailingSlash boolean false Append / to the request URL
outputEachDir boolean false Generate $api.ts in each endpoint directory
outputMode (>=1.6.0) "all" | "normalOnly" | "aliasOnly" "all" Output either get or $get for compression

Node.js API

import { version, build, watch } from "aspida/dist/commands"

console.log(version()) // 0.x.y

build({ input: "api1" })
  { baseURL: "https://example.com/v1" },
    input: "api2",
    baseURL: "https://example.com/v2",
    trailingSlash: true,
    outputEachDir: true,
    outputMode: 'all'

watch({ input: "api1" })
  { baseURL: "https://example.com/v1" },
    input: "api2",
    baseURL: "https://example.com/v2",
    trailingSlash: true,
    outputEachDir: true,
    outputMode: 'all'



  1. Change the directory where type definition file is placed to other than "api"
  2. Serialize GET parameters manually
  3. POST with FormData
  4. POST with URLSearchParams
  5. Receive response with ArrayBuffer
  6. Define polymorphic request
  7. Define endpoints that contain special characters
  8. Import only some endpoints
  9. Retrieve endpoint URL string
  10. Reflect TSDoc comments

Change the directory where type definition file is placed to other than "api"

Create a configuration file at the root of the project


module.exports = { input: "src" }

Specify baseURL in configuration file

module.exports = { baseURL: "https://example.com/api" }

If you want to define multiple API endpoints, specify them in an array

module.exports = [
  { input: "api1" },
  { input: "api2", baseURL: "https://example.com/api" }

Serialize GET parameters manually

aspida leaves GET parameter serialization to standard HTTP client behavior
If you want to serialize manually, you can use config object of HTTP client


import axios from "axios"
import qs from "qs"
import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const client = api(
    aspida(axios, { paramsSerializer: params => qs.stringify(params, { indices: false }) })

  const users = await client.v1.users.$get({
    // config: { paramsSerializer: (params) => qs.stringify(params, { indices: false }) },
    query: { ids: [1, 2, 3] }
  // req -> GET: /v1/users/?ids=1&ids=2&ids=3
  // res -> [{ id: 1, name: "taro1" }, { id: 2, name: "taro2" }, { id: 3, name: "taro3" }]

POST with FormData


import type { ReadStream } from 'fs'

export type Methods = {
  post: {
    reqFormat: FormData

    reqBody: {
      name: string
      icon: File | ReadStream

    resBody: {
      id: number
      name: string


import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const client = api(aspida())

  const user = await client.v1.users.$post({
    body: {
      name: "taro",
      icon: imageFile
  // req -> POST: h/v1/users
  // res -> { id: 0, name: "taro" }

Post in Node.js (>=1.6.0)


import fs from 'fs'
import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const client = api(aspida())
  const fileName = 'images/sample.jpg'
  const user = await client.v1.users.$post({
    body: {
      name: "taro",
      icon: fs.createReadStream(fileName)
  // req -> POST: h/v1/users
  // res -> { id: 0, name: "taro" }

POST with URLSearchParams


export type Methods = {
  post: {
    reqFormat: URLSearchParams

    reqBody: {
      name: string

    resBody: {
      id: number
      name: string


import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const client = api(aspida())

  const user = await client.v1.users.$post({ body: { name: "taro" } })
  // req -> POST: /v1/users
  // res -> { id: 0, name: "taro" }

Receive response with ArrayBuffer


export type Methods = {
  get: {
    query: {
      name: string

    resBody: ArrayBuffer


import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const client = api(aspida())

  const user = await client.v1.users.$get({ query: { name: "taro" } })
  // req -> GET: /v1/users/?name=taro
  // res -> ArrayBuffer

Define polymorphic request


type User = {
  id: number
  name: string

export interface Methods {
  post: {
    // common properties
    reqFormat: FormData
     * query(?): ...
     * reqHeaders(?): ...
     * reqBody(?): ...
     * status: ...
     * resHeaders(?): ...
     * resBody(?): ...
    polymorph: [
      // polymorphic types
        reqBody: Omit<User, 'id'>
        resBody: User
         * query(?): ...
         * reqHeaders(?): ...
         * status: ...
         * resHeaders(?): ...
        reqBody: Omit<User, 'id'>[]
        resBody: User[]


import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const client = api(aspida())

  const user = await client.users.$post({ body: { name: "taro" } })
  console.log(user) // { id: 0, name: "taro" }

  const users = await client.users.$post({
    body: [{ name: "hanako" }, { name: "mario" }]
  console.log(users) // [{ id: 1, name: "hanako" }, { id: 2, name: "mario" }]

Define endpoints that contain special characters

Special characters are encoded as percent-encoding in the file name
Example ":" -> "%3A"


export type Methods = {
  get: {
    resBody: string


export type Methods = {
  get: {
    resBody: User

With clients, "%3A" -> ":"


import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const client = api(aspida())

  const message = await client.foo_bar.$get()
  // req -> GET: /foo:bar

  const user = await client.users._userId_read(1).$get()
  // req -> GET: /users/1:read

Import only some endpoints

If you don't need to use all of api/$api.ts , you can split them up and import only part of them
outputEachDir option generates $api.ts in each endpoint directory
$api.ts will not be generated under the directory containing the path variable


module.exports = { outputEachDir: true }

Import only $api.ts of the endpoint you want to use and put it into Object


import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api0 from "../api/v1/foo/$api"
import api1 from "../api/v2/bar/$api"
;(async () => {
  const aspidaClient = aspida()
  const client = {
    foo: api0(aspidaClient),
    bar: api1(aspidaClient)

  const message = await client.bar._id(1).$get()
  // req -> GET: /v2/bar/1

Retrieve endpoint URL string


import aspida from "@aspida/axios"
import api from "../api/$api"
;(async () => {
  const client = api(aspida())

  // /v1/users

  console.log(client.vi.users.$path({ query: { limit: 10 } }))
  // /v1/users?limit=10

    method: 'post',
    query: { id: 1 }
  // /v1/users?id=1

Reflect TSDoc comments


 * root comment
 * @remarks
 * root remarks comment
export type Methods = {
   * post method comment
   * @remarks
   * post method remarks comment
  post: {
    /** post query comment */
    query: { limit: number }

    /** post reqHeaders comment */
    reqHeaders: { token: string }

    reqFormat: FormData
    /** post reqBody comment */
    reqBody: UserCreation

     * post resBody comment1
     * post resBody comment2
    resBody: User
$ npm run api:build


 * root comment
 * @remarks
 * root remarks comment
const api = <T>({ baseURL, fetch }: AspidaClient<T>) => {
  return {
     * post method comment
     * @remarks
     * post method remarks comment
     * @param option.query - post query comment
     * @param option.headers - post reqHeaders comment
     * @param option.body - post reqBody comment
     * @returns post resBody comment1
     * post resBody comment2
    $post: (option: { body: Methods0['post']['reqBody'], query: Methods0['post']['query'], headers: Methods0['post']['reqHeaders'], config?: T }) =>
      fetch<Methods0['post']['resBody']>(prefix, PATH0, POST, option).json().then(r => r.body)




aspida is licensed under a MIT License.