
Cross-platform keep-awake with python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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😴 wakepy

Simple cross-platform wakelock written in Python. Prevent your computer from going to sleep in the middle of a long running task.

Table of Contents


Wakepy currently supports

  • Windows
  • Linux (with DBus or systemd)
  • macOS

Feel free to submit pull request(s) for other platforms.


(A) Windows, macOS and Linux (jeepney)

Note: On linux, this will install and use jeepney for DBus communication.

pip install wakepy

(B) Linux (dbus-python)

If you want to install wakepy on linux and do not want to use jeepney, but dbus-python, the official libdbus (aka. dbus) Python binding, use

pip install --no-deps wakepy
pip install dbus-python

Please note that this requires also libdbus to be installed on your system. Some linux distributions come with dbus-python.

(C) Linux (systemd)

If you want to install wakepy on linux and do not want to use jeepney, or dbus-python but systemd, install wakepy with.

pip install --no-deps wakepy

Please note that this requires also systemd to be installed on your system, and usage of systemd requires sudo.


Start from command line




python -m wakepy

starts the program. While running, computer will not go to sleep. If battery is running out, your OS might force laptop to sleep.

CLI arguments

wakepy [-h] [-s]

optional arguments:    
  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  -s, --keep-screen-awake  Keep also the screen awake. On Linux, this flag is set on and cannot be disabled.

Usage within a python script

Option 1: set_keepawake and unset_keepawake functions

from wakepy import set_keepawake, unset_keepawake

# do stuff that takes long time

Option 2: keepawake context manager

from wakepy import keepawake

with keepawake(keep_screen_awake=False):
  ... # do stuff that takes long time


  • keep_screen_awake can be used to keep also the screen awake. The default is False. On Linux, this is set to True and cannot be changed.


  • NotImplementedError: If setting keepawake is not supported on your system.



The program simply calls the SetThreadExecutionState with the ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED flag, when setting the keepawake, and removes flag when unsetting. The flag cannot prevent sleeping if

  • User presses power button
  • User selects Sleep from the Start menu.


The program uses, depending on what is installed, either (in this order)

  1. jeepney (pure python dbus implementation. Default)
  2. dbus-python (requires libdbus)
  3. systemctl mask

The first two options will use DBus to call the inhibit method of org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver, which will prevent the system from suspending/speeling. The inhibit will be released when the process dies or when unset_keepawake is called. The flag cannot prevent sleeping from user interaction. This approach is multiprocessing-safe and doesn't need sudo privileges but you have to use a Freedesktop-compliant desktop environment, for example GNOME, KDE or Xfce. See full list in the freedesktop.org wiki.

The systemctl mask command will prevent all forms of sleep or hibernation (including sleep initialized by the user) when calling set_keepawake, and unmasks the functions when calling unset_keepawake. This command will remain active until unset_keepawake is called and is not multiprocessing-safe because the first process that releases the wakelock unmasks the functions and thus no longer prevents sleep. Using systemd requires sudo privileges.

Darwin (macOS)

The program launches a caffeinate in a subprocess when setting keepawake, and terminates the subprocess when unsetting. This does not prevent the user from manually sleeping the system or terminating the caffeinate process.

Summary table

Windows Linux Mac
wakepy uses SetThreadExecutionState with the ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED flag DBus Inhibit/UnInhibit or as a fallback systemctl mask caffeinate
sudo / admin needed? No No (with dbus) / Yes (systemd) No
keep_screen_awake option Optional
Default: False
Always True Optional
Default: False
When keep_screen_awake = True Screen is kept awake.

Windows will not be locked automatically.
Screen is kept awake.
Automatic locking: on some distros, depending on how the lock screen is implemented.
Screen is kept awake.
Automatic locking = ?
Multiprocessing support Yes Yes (dbus) / No (systemd) No
When process calling set_keepawake dies All flags set by the process are removed. See: How will killing while lock set affect it? The wakelock is immediately released except if the systemctl mask fallback is used, in which case the wakelock will be held even over a reboot until it's released. Nothing happens
How to debug or see the changes
done by wakepy in the OS?
Run powercfg -requests in
elevated PowerShell
If the systemctl mask fallback is used, run sudo systemctl status sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target in Terminal.
If on laptop, and battery low? Sleep Default 'when battery low' action will be triggered.If the systemctl mask fallback is used, most distros will do their set 'when battery low' action but fail if that is suspend. ?

⚖️ Pros and Cons

👑💯 Advantages of wakepy

  • wakepy has very little python dependencies:
    • Zero if using Windows or macOS or Linux + systemd
    • One if using linux + jeepney or linux + dbus-python.
  • wakepy is simple and it has a little amount of code. You can read the whole source code quickly
  • It has permissive MIT licence
  • It is multiplatform
  • You can use it directly from command line, or within your python scripts
  • It runs without admin/sudo priviledges on Windows and Mac and Linux (with DBus)!

🔍 Disadvantages / pitfalls with wakepy

  • On Linux, if DBus unavailable, the fallback solution using systemctl needs sudo priviledges.
  • Currently multiprocessing is not well supported on Mac (?); the first function calling unset_keepawake or releasing the keepawake context manager will allow the PC to sleep even if you have called set_keepawake multiple times.
