
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NP-Guard Demo

This demo is referenced in this blog post.

1) Connectivity visualization before adding network policies

Clone the microservices demo repo, install and run network-config-analyzer (https://github.com/np-guard/network-config-analyzer).
Make sure you have Python 3.8 or above on your platform.

cd $HOME
git clone git@github.com:GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo.git
pip install network-config-analyzer
nca --connectivity -r $HOME/microservices-demo/release/ 

Consider various formats of connectivity reports:

nca --connectivity -r $HOME/microservices-demo/release/ -o txt -f demo-connectivity-1.txt
nca --connectivity -r $HOME/microservices-demo/release/ -o csv -f demo-connectivity-1.csv
nca --connectivity -r $HOME/microservices-demo/release/ -o md -f demo-connectivity-1.md
nca --connectivity -r $HOME/microservices-demo/release/ -o dot -f demo-connectivity-1.dot

The dot format report can be converted to a graph by Graphviz. Graphviz should be installed, and then this command can be used to create the graph:

dot -Tpng -O  demo-connectivity-1.dot

Check the connectivity report files.

2) Synthesis of network policies

Build and run cluster topology analyzer (https://github.com/np-guard/cluster-topology-analyzer).
Make sure you have golang 1.13+ on your platform.

git clone git@github.com:np-guard/cluster-topology-analyzer.git
cd cluster-topology-analyzer
go mod download

$HOME/cluster-topology-analyzer/bin/net-top -dirpath $HOME/microservices-demo -netpols -q -outputfile $HOME/microservices-demo/release/netpols.yaml 

Check the synthesized network policies yaml file.

3) Connectivity visualization after adding network policies

nca --connectivity -r $HOME/microservices-demo/release/ 

Check the connectivity report files.