

Primary LanguageOCaml

AlphaProlog 0.4 README

This is AlphaProlog, a prototype nominal logic programming language.

To get started:

  1. Edit the Makefile INSTALL variable to indicate where you want to install AlphaProlog. By default, the install location is $(HOME)/local/aprolog. If the directory in the INSTALL variable does not exist, the script will create it; but it will not create the parent directory (e.g. $(HOME)/local) for you.

  2. Do

    $ make configure
    $ make all
    $ make install

    Also, it might be convenient to put $(INSTALL)/bin in your PATH, so you can run aprolog from anywhere

  3. To test that AlphaProlog is working correctly, go to the install directory and do

    $ bin/aprolog examples/lam.apl

    This will start aprolog on an example file that defines a syntax representing the simply-typed lambda calculus together with some sample queries.

  4. To uninstall, do

    $ make uninstall

    Warning: This will delete everything in the install directory, including anything you put there.

A draft user's guide can be found in <install dir>/doc.

If you have any questions, please contact the author at


Have fun!

Contributors: Alberto Momigliano Matteo Pessina James Cheney