Battleships (also known as Battleship or Sea Battle) is a strategy type guessing game for two players. It is played on ruled grids (paper or board) on which each player's fleet of warships are marked. The locations of the fleets are concealed from the other player. Players alternate turns calling "shots" at the other player's ships, and the objective of the game is to destroy the opposing player's fleet. -- Wikipedia
Players secretly place their ships on the game grid according to rules and take turns by making shots at row and column on the opponent’s grid in order hit a ship. The game continues until one player sinks all of the opponent’s ships.
flowchart LR
S[Strat] -->
PLACE_SHIPS[Place ships] -->
CHECK_SURVIVED{Is there \nsurvived\nship?}
- two players
- the ships can be placed horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally
- the ships must be completely on the grid; no part can hang off the edge
- there should be at least one cell gap between the ships
- the ships combination (number of ships and their size) is the same for each player
- both players make the shot each round; there isn't the first and the last who shot
- once the game began the ships can't be moved
title: Game navigation
flowchart LR
menu{Game menu} --> create[Create game page]
menu{Game menu} --> select[Select game page]
create -->|gameId| join
select -->|gameId| join
join[Join game page]
join -->|gameId, playerId| game
Main menu offers two options:
- Create game - create new game with desirable settings
- Join game - join an existing game which was created by somebody else
- single game - game with a AI
- multiplayer - game with another person
- public - this game will appear on "Join game" page
- private - this game won't be visible on "Join game" page (you have to share the link with the opponent)
You can choose between hardcoded and custom game settings values
- board size
- ships configuration - how many and which ships will be in the game
Ship | Size |
Carrier | 5 |
Battleship | 4 |
Destroyer | 3 |
Patrol Boat | 2 |
Once the game was created it is known information which ships are there and what the board size is. It is time to put the ships in place. You can move them around the board and rotate. Also Shuffle
feature is available which lets to get randomly placed ships.
actor Client1
participant Server
actor Client2
Client1->>Server: Connect event
Server-->>Client1: EVENT_TYPE_WAITING
Client2->>Server: Connect event
Server->>Client1: EVENT_TYPE_JOINED (playerId)
Server->>Client1: EVENT_TYPE_INIT (game data)
Server->>Client2: EVENT_TYPE_INIT (game data)
Note over Client1, Client2: both players are connected and set up
Server->>Client1: EVENT_TYPE_ROUND (number)
Server->>Client2: EVENT_TYPE_ROUND (number)
opt Lost connection (any player)
Server->>Client2: ping
Client2-->>Server: no response
Server->>Client1: EVENT_TYPE_LEFT
Client2->>Server: Open up the game page (gameId, playerId)
Server->>Client1: EVENT_TYPE_JOINED (playerId)
Server-->Client2: EVENT_TYPE_INIT (game data)
par Client shots
Client1->>Server: EVENT_TYPE_SHOT
Client2->>Server: EVENT_TYPE_SHOT
Server-->>Client1: EVENT_TYPE_ANNOUNCE
Server-->>Client2: EVENT_TYPE_ANNOUNCE
Note over Client1, Client2: repeate shots until one of the users has at least one alive ship
alt No more ships for Client1
Server->>Client1: GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT
Server->>Client2: GAME_RESULT_WIN
else No more ships for Client2
Server->>Client1: GAME_RESULT_WIN
Server->>Client2: GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT
else No more ships for both players
Server->>Client1: GAME_RESULT_DRAW
Server->>Client2: GAME_RESULT_DRAW
There are three tough questions that should be get answered to make the game run:
a. Does the ships combination make sense for a given grid size? We would like to know that the combination meaningless on the game creation stage not when the game started.
b. Are there more that two possible combinations? If players don't have another choice but place the ships the same way it makes the game meaningless.?
c. How to find a random combination Usually there are any millions of different combinations to choose from.
All those questions are quite computation-intensive, this is why it would be nice to get them answered with minimum computation amount.
Despite there isn't much animation in the game, it is nice to make it as efficient as possible. So that we apply following techniques in order to boost performance:
a. Event-driven desing We recalculate/redraw everything only if an event accured
b. Partially canvas update In order to save resources we can redraw only changed canvas pieces
The AI. Obviously, it isn't enough to make random shots. In order to make AI more competitive we taught it to do this:
a. Remember cells that were shot
b. Once a ship is found the AI focuses on destroying it and mark surrounding cells as checked. If there is only one ship section discovered then we have four options for the next shot. If there are more then one sections, we have only two options for shot (since ships are straight lines)
c. Before each shot scan all cells and mark them
if it isn't possible to fit there the smallest survived ship. Nest rounds we skip suchuseless
cellsd. Scan grid wisely in order to find the ships. Don't need to shot adjacent cells, it is better to make a gap which size is equal to the smallest survivor ship size
e. Find cells with the highest probability of a ship location. For example if there are unexplored "+" shaped cells the center will have the highest probability of having a ship in it.
f. Big Data shows that people tended to place ships in "favorite" places. So that we want collect such anonymized data and use it when make decision about shots.
The classic game is quite boring due to there aren't many game strategies. The main idea is to make it more varied so that people could play more in order to try new approaches.
Make it possible to have different ships configuration in order to apply different game strategies
Variety of ships shots a. Regulare shot (like it is in classic game)
b. Shot, which explore "+" shape 3x3 size territory
c. Torpedo shot which hits 4 cells through
Variety of ship shapes
For each shot type apply different reload time
Make shots according to the ships you have; once a ship was sunk it isn't able to make shots anymore
Now that we got such variety the player may come up with different strategies. They may choose many cheap ships to perform firestorm. Or they may pick less amount of advanced ships and hit several targets precisely with powerful topedos.
Feel free to report bugs, suggest improvements, and send pull requests!
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Get inside the dir
cd battleships
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Build and run
npm run start
- Now we are good to go. Open up any browser and navigate to
- Mobile first
- Improve AI (make shots into intersections which have most ship probability)
- Clean up hunged games periodically
- Game chat with system messages (game started, the opponent connected/disconnected/made a shot, etc)
- Implement round timer (?)
- Add Restart Game feature (?)
- Use permanent storage (?)
- Have only one board that combines shots and ships boards (?)
- ships board - board where player's ships and opponent's shots are shown
- shots board - board where a player makes shots on
- ships combination - ships disposition on the game board which includes the board size, ships types and amount, the ships position
- round - game phase when both players make shots
- announce - game phase when both players are get announced about their shots results within current round