
Public site for Lighthouse

VA Micropurchases

This is the GitHub repository for VA's micropurchases primarily supporting VA's API platform. In this repo we will seek feedback on draft microconsulting work statements and solicit microconsulting RFQs.


Awarding a new microconsulting engagement:

  • To release a new work statement, VA will create an issue in this repository. The solicitation period opens when the issue is created.
  • When the solicitation period closes, VA will comment on the issue saying that the solicitation period has closed. The issue will be left open until the award is made.
  • When the award is made, VA will comment on the issue saying that the award has been made and which company it has been awarded to.
  • At this time a directory will be created in the repository named yyyy-mm-dd_NAME_OF_WORK_STATEMENT, where yyyy-mm-dd is the date that the award was made (so that they will be shown in order) and NAME_OF_WORK_STATEMENT is the name of the work statement so that it's easy to understand what is in each directory.
  • Inside this directory, a README.md file will have the final work statement for reference, including who won the award and how much it was for. An empty directory called deliverables will also be created.
  • In a comment in the issue, VA will link to this README.md file for future reference then close the issue and the award is complete.

For a vendor to submit a deliverable and VA to accept the deliverable:

  • To submit their final deliverables, vendors should fork the department-of-veterans-affairs/VA-Micropurchase-Repo repository then create a pull request back to the master branch of the department-of-veterans-affairs/VA-Micropurchase-Repo repository with the deliverables added in yyyy-mm-dd_NAME_OF_WORK_STATEMENT/deliverables.
  • VA will then review the deliverables, and if they approve them, they will merge them.
  • This merge is the trigger that VA has accepted the final deliverables and payment should be issued to the vendor.
  • All deliverables following this process will be open source. Any deliverable not intended to be viewed publicly will be specified in the solicitation and will follow a different process.