
Touch directive

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This directive provides a light-weight and quick code base to which you can use to add a multitude of touch events to an element within AngularJS. The reason I decided to build my own rather than using existing versions is because I felt that all existing directives were either way too heavy, didn't work most of the time or were missing some, what I deem as, core touch events. So I built the following and hopefully it'll come in usefull to someone else.

I've also included a minified version (Keep an eye on the date to make sure it matches that of the un-minified version).

The general basis of how this works is that you add a f-touch attribute onto your element, along with whatever touch actions you are wanting to capture.

Descriptions: This directive currently provides access to 13 touch events. They are as follows:

  1. onTouchstart
  • The touch start function will always be thrown and signifys the start of the touch
  1. onShortpress
  • The short press will fire if the touch has not ended within 500ms of starting
  1. onLongpress
  • Very similar to the short press however this will fire after 2 seconds
  1. onTap
  • OnTap event will fire if a onTouchEnd is caught within 500ms of a touch start
  1. onLongtap
  • OnLongTap event will fire if the onTap hasn't fired and a onTouchEnd is caught within 2 seconds of the touch start
  1. onMove
  • OnMove will fire constantly during a drag
  1. onPinch
  • The OnPinch event works on a two finger basis and will provide you with the distance between the fingers
  1. onSwipeleft
  • The onSwipeLeft will fire if a move left is detected that has travelled atleast a distance of 20% of the window within 300 milliseconds
  1. onSwipeRight
  • Works much like the onSwipeLeft action, only swiping right instead
  1. onSlidingx
  • This detects a movement in the X coordinate and will lock the movement into X only so the onSlidingY will not be fired whilst this event is.The event will give you the distance travelled.
  1. onSlidingy
  • This detects a movement in the Y coordinate and much like the onSlidingX event; this event will lock into the y coordinate until an onEnd event is fired.
  1. onTouchendnodrag
  • This is ideal for applying to buttons and will fire on a touch end (regardless of length of touch) only if the touch hasnt dragged further than 1% of the window width.
  1. onTouchend
  • The touch end event will trigger on all calls when the touch has ended

How to use:

Copy the script into your project. Link the script with (using the correct directory structure to your project)

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/directives/dir_touchevents.js"></script>

Rename the app.directive('fTouch', function() { line to read [yourappname].directive...

Then simply add the ''f-touch'' attribute to your element as below:

// Handling a basic touch end situation (whilst ignoring drag)
<div f-touch f-touchendnodrag="onActionFunction()"></div>

// To avoid propagation add the stopPropagation attribute to your element as well
<div f-touch f-touchendnodrag="onActionFunction()" stopPropagation="true"></div>