
Mapping space between buildings

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Mapping the space between buildings using Open Street Map

This project explores new trends in mapping the space of the street in OpenStreetMap and challenges the predominant conventions of Road Centre Line representations that are commonly used for motor vehicle routing.


The Poster folder contains the poster and working material presented at the 30th Geographical Information Science Research UK hosted by the Geographic Data Science Lab and Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Liverpool (GISRUK 2022).


Some R scripts used for exploratory analysis.


AllCities-Urban access across the globe.csv is used as the initial sample of cities we collect OSM data for.

urban_access_cities/urban_access_cities_footways_coverage.csv the coverage metrics we produce and analyse.

urban_access_cities/name_alias.csv Aliasing of names used to ensure the correct city administrative boundary is queried from OSM.


Figures produced by the analyse_city_data.py script. Figures for the poster are in the urban_access_cities folder. We also ran the analysis for a sample of UK towns and cities and these figures are in the uk_towns_cities folder.


Python Code for OSM Queries and Analysis


  • Small library of functions for querying OSM data, forming geometries from returned data, and aggregating metadata


  • Script for downloading osm geometries for multiple cities


  • Script to load local osm city data and calculate various geometry coverage metrics. Also produce figures to visualise these metrics.



  author       = {Obi Sargoni and
                  Hannah Gumble and
                  Nicolas Palominos},
  title        = {{Mapping the space between buildings using Open 
                   Street Map}},
  month        = apr,
  year         = 2022,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.6414228},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6414228}